Hey Hey

I’m inviting you to a brand new book study I’ve created!

We’ll spend five days (an hour each day) studying and learning the principles from Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil. So you can apply them in your life and business!

Everyone should read Outwitting The Devil

AND join me in my upcoming book study!I’ve spent my life studying and sharing Napoleon Hill’s teachings. Near the bottom I share a few words from others you might want to read.


I want to share some of my insights with you live, starting early July.


The dates, times and how this works can be found on THIS PAGE  https://www.rexsikes.club/book-study


GO THERE RIGHT NOW and register: It’s FREE!!  and will take 2 seconds to sign up. 


CLICK HERE now to register and spend 5 days with me FREE!  https://www.rexsikes.club/book-study


To your success!


Much love, peace and blessings!


Rex Sikes


Celebrate Everything!



“I had the privilege of meeting Rex in person at a Think and Grow Rich conference in LA July 2022, and from that moment on, I knew he was distinctly different. Rex possesses a rare quality of approachability, making you feel comfortable and at ease in his presence. His genuine nature shines through, instantly captivating your attention.

But what truly sets Rex apart is his unrivaled knowledge on personal development. He possesses a wealth of insights and strategies that will blow you away. Rex’s teaching style is powerful, effective, and unique. He has a remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts, making them easy to understand and, most importantly, actionable.

Spending time with Rex is an investment well worth making. Not only will you gain invaluable wisdom and guidance, but you’ll also witness the profound impact it has on your life. Rex’s teachings have the potential to transform your mindset, unlock your potential, and propel you towards unparalleled success.

The value Rex Sikes brings to the table is immeasurable. With every interaction, you’ll discover a wealth of knowledge that can exponentially multiply your growth and progress. The time and money spent with Rex will be returned to you tenfold as you witness the transformative power of his teachings.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience personal development with Rex Sikes. Put him at the top of your list and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and success. Your life will never be the same again.” Rita Montaltom Australia Founder of 4 pillars of Wealth the Game

Satish Verma, Toronto, President & CEO Think and Grow Rich Institute, “Rex, you speak the truth. So few will, but you speak the truth.”

M. Teresa Lawrence, Daniel, Wyoming says, “I highly recommend Rex Sikes, a true expert in personal development and the teachings of Napoleon Hill. I had the pleasure of meeting Rex at a mastermind and was immediately impressed by his deep knowledge and the respect he commanded from other participants. Through participating in Rex’s book club on Think and Grow Rich and his NLP course, I experienced firsthand his expertise, passion, and dedication to helping others achieve their goals. Rex is a master of his craft, a generous teacher, and an inspiring individual. I recommend him highly to anyone seeking personal growth and success.”

Laura Ibarra Ph.d, Torreron, Mexico “Rex is not only a dedicated professional but also a compassionate mentor and a very kind friend. His ability to engage and inspire his audiences, whether online or in-person, genuinely transforms lives. His sessions are always enlightening, filled with practical insights and innovative strategies that resonate well beyond the classroom. I have had the privilege of being mentored by him personally, and it’s been an amazing experience. Anyone looking for a transformational experience and expert guidance in achieving personal and professional growth would benefit immensely from working with Rex.”

Joy Cooper Willet, Vancouver says You run the best book clubs Rex!! So wonderfully insightful!! Total Truth!”

Carlos Siqueira, San Francisco says, “Witnessing Rex in action is seeing a master at work, as he skillfully blends motivation, education, and genuine passion to inspire real change. If you have the opportunity to attend one of his talks or work with him directly, I highly recommend that you do so. Rex is not just a speaker; he is a facilitator of peak performance and profound personal transformation.”

Sandra J Horton, Vancouver, “Registered and looking forward to the book study.”

Book Study of Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting The Devil. Begins July 9.  5 days. 1 hour a day. Go now.