“The conversations you have with yourself determine the reality you live. Your thoughts, beliefs, and self-talk create your experiences. Whether you’re aware of it or not, every person, event, and circumstance in your life reflects what you believe, think, imagine, expect and what you repeatedly tell yourself about yourself and the world. What you say to yourself inside your head, out loud and to others creates your experience.
Neville Goddard wrote ‘It is our inner conversations which make tomorrow’s facts.’ Not just tomorrow, but today as well. Your inner talk keeps you where you are, or it moves you somewhere new, somewhere wanted, or somewhere you don’t want to go. Every moment of self-talk is powerful. It’s either working for you or against you, and the results are showing up in your life! If you aren’t getting what you want, LISTEN UP!
He said it this way too. ‘The individual’s inner speech and actions attract the conditions of his life.’ And ‘The world which is described from observation is a manifestation of the mental activity of the observer. When man discovers that his world is his own mental activity made visible, that no man can come unto him except he draws him, and that there is no one to change but himself, his own imaginative self…’ This is worthy to note.
When you mentally remember, repeat and review any argument or less-than-glorious experience you’ve had with your significant other, children, your boss, coworker, friend or a stranger, THAT repeat reviewing, reliving, retelling creates your vibration, a worst-case scenario frequency and you set the stage for more conflict or disappointment. You keep alive the very thing you wish would end. You perpetuate the problem albeit unwittingly, but you do.
Your mind plays old auditory tape loops on repeat. It’s ongoing. Your thinking doesn’t stop and it’s affecting the results you get. Most people don’t realize they’ve over 60,000 thoughts a day, and most of these thoughts are repeated. They’re yesterday’s thoughts played again today. And guess what? You’ve been reliving, rethinking and retelling yourself and others these same thoughts for decades. They’re the same thoughts! Day in and day out.
What’s worse, the majority of these are negative: worries, complaints, self-doubt, frustration, anger, and blame. You argue with your significant other in your mind. You criticize yourself. You blame others. Each time you play out these thoughts, you’re telling your brain that THIS is what matters, so it gives you more of the same. This keeps you stuck because you keep doing the same thing again and again, repeatedly, habitually. Automatically.
Most of these inner conversations, your self-talk, AREN’T EVEN YOUR THOUGHTS. They’re audio loops. Tape loops and because you accept them as your thoughts you and those thoughts are perpetuating the problem. They play on and on whether you care or not. They suck you in and you get involved with them and then you self-loath, are critical and feel bad which just makes everything worse. Thoughts lead to feelings. Remember?
Then the feelings you have from those thoughts, create more of the same thoughts which then create more bad feelings. It’s a cybernetic cycle. To break free, you need to do a few things. First, realize most of your thoughts are negative and not true. Most of them aren’t even yours. You adopted them as if they were, but they aren’t. They zap your energy, waste your time, make you feel bad and keep you stuck. However, you can change that.
If you’re tired of feeling stuck, you’ve got to break free of these loops. KEEP IN MIND they’re just old tapes. Reruns. Habits and most of them aren’t your original thoughts. They’re hand-me-downs, things you picked up over the years from parents, teachers, society. Yet they hold you back because they feel real. But a thought isn’t real just because you think it. These thoughts drain your energy, waste your time.
They keep you right where you are. They make you feel bad and keep you stuck. BUT you can change that. Stop believing the lies in your head. Call them out! Challenge these old tapes. When negative thoughts start playing, stop them. Call them out. Say, ‘Not true! Thanks, but no thanks.’ Refuse to accept every thought as truth simply because it appears. So much of what you tell yourself is unverified, but you still buy into it without question.
It’s time to stop the mental habits that don’t serve you and create new ones that do. If you want to move forward, you must move. You can’t remain where you are doing what you are doing and expect to get anywhere else. You must change it. There’s so much you say to yourself that’s not only unverified BUT that you DO NOT KNOW and still you accept it as genuine, when they’re anything but. Call them out. A lie is a lie. It’s not true.
Stop living from habits that don’t serve you and create some new ones that do Stop, Drop, and Roll or as I have always said Stop, Pause, and Shift. Stop the negative thought. Pause, and move your mind into neutral. By doing this, you’re interrupting the old pattern. Then, Shift. Do anything else. Do something different. Aim in the direction you want. Tell yourself the opposite. If you do nothing, nothing changes. Stop believing the lies.
Aim your mind in the direction you want to go. Don’t let old, unhelpful thoughts dictate your future. STOP believing the lies and take charge of your inner world. PAUSE, then SHIFT! Adjust your inner dialogue to match your goals and desires and watch how life begins to shift in your favor. You must become aware of your inner dialogue and when it is habitually making you feel bad, and then change it so it makes you feel better. Get this!
Awareness is where transformation starts. It’s the key to change. You can’t control what you don’t notice. Begin paying attention to your thoughts. Notice when you’re repeating old, unwanted patterns, and stop them in their tracks. Awareness gives you the power to change. When you notice it IS when you can do something about it.l IF you don’t notice and are unaware of it, you can’t do anything about it. NOTICE what you want to change.
THEN change it. The moment you notice a negative thought STOP, PAUSE and SHIFT. Stop thinking the thought. Get neutral, interrupt the pattern, by doing anything else. Move, shift your body and call it out. ‘That’s a lie!’ ‘Thanks, but no thanks.’ Then shift and choose the thought you’d rather think instead. Focus on that new thought. Keep doing this until you make it a new habit. Notice, Stop, pause and shift. Now a word on awareness.
When you have successfully completed the process, acknowledge the change you just made. Pat yourself on the back for noticing the negative thought AND for doing something about it. That’s a step toward change. If it’s a thought you don’t want, drop it and let it go. Don’t give it energy. Instead, shift your focus to something positive, something you do want. Reinforce the thoughts and habits that align with the life you want to create.
Keep this in mind. Acknowledge yourself for becoming aware of that moment. Pat yourself on the back. Why? because you want to encourage future awareness. Nurture it. Reward yourself for noticing! If it is unwanted, Stop it. Drop it. Pause. Release and let go of it. Interrupt the pattern and then shift away from it into what you want instead. If it is something you want more of, encourage it.
Nurture and encourage the awareness, the thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Get it? Stay with this process. Keep noticing, keep shifting. When you do this repeatedly, new, positive habits begin to take root. Soon, you’ll find your mind working in ways that support you, rather than hold you back. It is up to you to take control of your inner world and transform your life. Starting right now, make it a habit to pay attention to your thoughts.
Every time you catch a negative thought, STOP, PAUSE, and SHIFT. Replace it with something that moves you forward, not backward. This small shift has a powerful impact. Over time, you’ll notice yourself feeling better, with more energy and focus. You’ll begin to see new possibilities that were hidden before, and life will become richer, more abundant. But this is only the beginning.
Once you’ve started shifting your inner dialogue, it’s time to take it to the next level. Use your imagination to reshape your thoughts, to align them with your highest goals. I’ve created a powerful program to help you do this: Create Your Best Life Using Einstein And Tesla’s Genius™. In this program, you’ll learn how to break free from negativity, stress, and limitations.
I’ll show you how to harness your creativity, intuition, and inner power to design the reality you truly want. It’s packed with actionable techniques I’ve practiced for years—a complete, transformative system that will change your life if you commit to it. This is your moment. Take control of your inner world. Join me, and together, let’s make your life the masterpiece it’s meant to be. Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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