“To create what you want in your life, you must shift your vibrational pattern so you’re broadcasting a signal that’s vibrationally compatible with your goals and desires. First, notice how you feel in your present state. Then, imagine what you want as the wish already fulfilled. Feel those feelings emotionally and energetically. You’ll identify the target vibration as you vividly visualize and feel your desire as the wish already fulfilled.
Imagine seeing, hearing and feeling the wish fulfilled until you feel those same positive emotions and feel differently from your previous present state. Then stop. Shake it off. Compare and contrast the present state vibration to the already fulfilled vibration. Notice the difference. Depending on what your present state and desired state are you will feel differently. If your present state is debt, concern over money or feeling broke…
You might describe the vibration of being in debt, as feeling pressed or squeezed, weight on your shoulders, heavy, twisted, throbbing, knotted, tight, choking, rough, fuzzy, black, seeing red, dark, fast, pounding, or anything else. You’re just assigning some words for convenience. You’re asking the words to label the state or feeling so you can compare it against the state you desire. Remember, you have a present and desired state.
Like different songs you recognize by the melody or the beat, vibrations are similar. They have a different energy or feel. When you move from one thought and feeling state to another by what you imagine, your energy shifts and changes accordingly. If you think prosperity, you feel different because your energy is different; your body responds to what you imagine in your head. Just by imagining your states change.
By contrast when you feel prosperous you might feel giggly, free, open, available, uplifted, light, smooth, flowing, glowing, bright, relaxed, calm, peaceful, energetic, buzzing or any number of pleasant and delightful sensations. It’s why it is useful to fill your mind, heart and being with the very best vibrational practices and material daily. It’s why it’s a good practice to express full gratitude for both little and big blessings.
It is important to feel edified and uplifted and able to move forward. So, engage those practices that make you feel that way. Find people to surround yourself with and events and programs live and online that add to your wellbeing. Reduce the worry, fear, frustration, disappointment, and anger by reducing the amount of negative news and media scrolling. I will never tell you to not watch or listen to some news.
It IS important to be informed and aware but limit the consumption and stop dwelling on less-than-glorious things. If you want prosperity and good health, limit the time on media, news, social media and other areas that don’t contribute to wellbeing. Spend more time reading inspirational books and attending inspired programs. Learn to become aware of what you are broadcasting and whether you’re open to receiving.
Some people get better at one than the other. Both are necessary. Learn to determine when you are positively aligned or negatively broadcasting AND when you are open to receiving or shutting it down. Most people can’t tell. These are blind spots we have. Most people can’t tell whether the material they’re reading is accurate and beneficial, whole and complete or inaccurate, myths and lies, or partially correct.
Discernment is needed within and without. If you listen to bad news and are affected less-than-gloriously the same is true if you listen to false self-help audios, books and speakers. You must put a premium on your development and who you listen or follow and spend time with. When you absolutely GET THIS, and when you understand it at the cellular level and not just know about it and talk about it; but when you can do it.
When you get it you can shift your frequency to create what you desire. So it’s important to learn to discern. It’s important to learn where to put your attention and to connect within and above, so you make the best use of your actions to feel inspired. Feel intentional. Feel positive and powerful. Feel open and available. You need to focus on being this kind of person. BE DO HAVE. You have to be the person who attracts and receives. Get it?
Apply Rex’s Rule and Go FIRST to create and attract what you want. Trust the cosmos to align with your vibrations and guide you. They align whether you’re positive or negative and produce results accordingly. SO, Go first positively and put it out there. Then receive it. Be open. Relax and trust. Stick with it but don’t push it. You must hold it while not holding it. That is the knack you must learn. You can do this, AND it takes practice
If you want health, wealth, love, happiness and success you can create that. It takes CORRECT practice. You must do some things you may have missed doing and to correct some things you aren’t apt or so likely to see about yourself. To adjust your frequency correctly is easier with a guide. It takes time to learn so be patient. Be gentle but keep moving forward in a positive way.
The thing you must realize is you learned to have problems and adopted conditioning you’d like to change. You must take things in steps and stages. Like growing from newborn to toddler, to preteen to teen to adult and so on. You begin with what you can handle and graduate when ready, through experience to more ‘advanced’ stages and abilities. At one time you can’t juggle but with correct instruction and practice you can get good.
Babies consume milk. When older they can consume solid food. You will keep consuming milk until you are ready for solids. That which an adult can understand the child’s mind will not. What’s the difference? Experience! It’s not knowing about it or reading and talking about it that helps. Brain imaging studies demonstrate that reading about riding a bike and riding a bike light up the brain differently. Get this!
Brief video from some years back discussing learning and transforming. Enjoy this brief excerpt. I encourage you to read the few comments too.
Doing is very different from knowing about. They are nowhere near equal but many think if you know it, that’s enough. IT IS NOT!! To experience a new reality, you must first be able to conceive of that reality. Then you must live in that conceived reality until it transmutes to your physical reality. Think Edwin C. Barnes! YOU can learn to change it and experience a much different, better-quality life. But learn it you must.
You and I are learning machines. We learn silly things, harmful things and good things. To be different you must learn different things. To change you must change some things. Join with others who are upleveling. You don’t have to do it alone. Discussion, while good for some things, doesn’t change much. Transformation doesn’t come from talking about it BUT from experiencing it. JOIN ME and I’ll show you how. I’m available to help BUT NOT JUST available. I AM WILLING. So, stop doing it alone. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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