“How’d you like to make things better now and in your future? Would you like to learn how to more easily overcome difficult times and challenges? Wouldn’t it be cool to know in advance which obstacles might arise and how to handle them when they do? Now you can! This is an old article of mine.
I have updated aspects of it and will share those in a future post, but this article is earlier groundwork. It provides the basic method for going after what you want and for troubleshooting challenges and resolving problems that can arise. Use this process BEFORE you need it.
Through my recent posts you will learn how to appropriately and powerfully visualize and manage your positive self-talk so that you can readily recognize the powerful creator you already are. Use this process to create success. This is a road map you use for success, complete with alternative routes.
This process builds in the contingencies you need when the going get rough. It constitutes rehearsal and practice. It is the same mental strategy a successful sports team would utilize. So, you understand. Mind Design™ is my process of learning new abilities. It is my approach to personal and professional change.
I conduct workshops and training around the world and have audio products available. It is also the umbrella process or meta method through which I taught other personal development programs. Enjoy this early article.
‘Why Traditional Visualization Doesn’t Work And How You Can Modify It To Get The Results You Want by Rex Sikes
Now that you can ask yourself new questions, you also want to get your visualizations in order. I am sure you have heard of visualization. This is where people tell you to visualize your goals, dreams, plans, or how you want things to be. Usually people make still-frame pictures in their head of the goal being accomplished, e.g. depositing money in the bank, or their kids are all grown up and successful.
What makes Mind Design™ different from visualization is that we have created three steps in creating visualizations. Without these three steps, visualizations just don’t work well at all and you’ll just be wasting your time.
Three Important Steps For Effective Visualizations
- Visualize the accomplished goal or outcome. Example: Salesperson depositing large commission checks in the bank.
- Make a movie of how you achieved the goal. What steps did you take to achieve your success? Visualize the steps in detail. Visualize yourself doing all the right things to get your outcome and visualize everything going perfectly. Example: Salesperson making more calls and customers responding by being pleasant and purchasing items.
- Build a contingency plan. Visualize yourself taking all the steps toward your goal and visualize everything going wrong and how you overcame the difficulty. Example: Salesperson making more calls and customers do not respond. Visualize what the salesperson did to get customers to respond more favorably.
Besides only making pictures of the goal being attained (Step 1), you make a movie of how you get the goal (Step 2). For example, a salesperson wants to make more sales and money. Instead of just visualizing depositing more money in the bank, a Mind Design™ salesperson visualizes the actual steps they took to make more sales.
(2) The salesperson visualizes them doing all the right things and people responding in all the right ways to increase their sales and their money. But the Mind Design™ salesperson also does something which is the most crucial; THE THIRD STEP… This person visualizes a movie of all the possible obstacles and how they got over all of them.
Ordinarily, this third step is what people do to program their mind for failure because they imagine everything going wrong, but not what they did to overcome it. Using this method, you program your mind for how to overcome adversity along the way if you encounter it.
Stop Programming Failure Start Programming Success
When you learn how to run your brain then a world of endless possibility and opportunity becomes available. Unfortunately, for most people, it is left to chance and that is why success is usually a matter of luck.
I want to teach you the science and the art of making your dreams come true. The science because it is steps that you can implement, recipes, formulas proven through time to work for you and the art because your creativity with the science will enable you to realize your dreams and design for yourself the kind of life you truly want and deserve.
Your brain can give you everything you want when you give it a clear bright focused image of what you want and how you are planning to go about getting it. If you don’t know what you want your brain can’t give it to you. But when you know what you want, and you send precise, direct and intense signals, your mind has the power to give you what you want.
You can’t reach your goals if you don’t know what they are. Results are inevitable. If you don’t provide your brain with the programming to get your results, your goals you desire, someone else will provide the programming. If you don’t have a program for your life, someone else is going to make you fit into their plan.’
Well, there you have it! That is the original article. AS I stated, this was early development and I have added and adjusted through the years. It was and is still powerfully effective when you apply it. You begin to get results because it requires that you program your mind for success and to overcome difficulties.
Rehearse And Practice The Correct Elements To Succeed
A sports team practices to maximize their chances of winning. A successful actor rehearses so on opening night it goes according to plan. Never underestimate the value of mental rehearsal and actual rehearsal. Through this visualization process you practice and rehearse success!
That is what the practice of ‘act as if’ is all about. You repeatedly engage your mind in making the correct, positive images and self-talk thoughts until you firmly ‘wire it in’. You imagine and act (in your mind) as though you have already accomplished your goal. This is an incredibly powerful practice and skill to develop.
When you ‘act as if’ you discover what you need to do to manifest it. You begin to understand the steps you need to take to get the results you want. By repeating this process over and over you create a habit.
Create The Habits That Get You Success
Once you make your skills a reliable positive habit you put yourself on autopilot for success. You begin to automatically think and act like a winner. You make success happen. You persist and you accomplish! You become unstoppable because you don’t let anything throw you off course.
Determine what you want, specify your goal or dream or target. See yourself succeeding, imagine yourself getting there and having what you want. Be sure to see, imagine and rehearse succeeding, overcoming obstacles and objections when and if things do not go as you hope and want. Build, rehearse and practice your contingency plans prior to needing them. Visualize these over and over.
When you use your mind deliberately in positive ways you can conceive, believe and achieve your goals. You can create and accomplish your dreams. If you want a more wonderful future, if you want to get the kind of results you deserve to get, begin today to run your mind. Take charge of what you do on the inside and you will get the kind of things you want on the outside. That IS how it works!” Rex Sikes
What will you do today to put more smiles on your face? Use what you learn from the article to make you life better and better. To know and not do, is to not know. The proper fruit of knowledge is action. Still, so many read, listen and learn something but then never use it. Stop! Don’t be that person. Be a person who transforms your life by the renewing of your mind. ONLY YOU CAN. I am happy, honored and humbled to help show you the way. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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LEARN HOW TO POSITIVELY AND POWERFULLY use language to begin getting incredible results to be happier, healthier and wealthier? Learn how to program your brain for best outcomes and results and to become more influential with others to create win/win outcomes and help those you care about? THEN Register Now For This Free Webinar TODAY! Be sure to take notes!
“Mr. Sikes, You have demonstrated once again your wisdom, maturity and WHY you are considered to be one of the most, if not THE most respected NLP trainer in the field today.” — Carl Matus, Rockford, IL
“I’ll be blunt: I’m very disappointed that these secrets are available. I think buying this material should be treated like buying hand guns: You should have to fill out forms and get checked out first to see if you’ll use this wisdom for good or evil. I’ve NEVER seen such powerful techniques or insights. The average psychologist, cold reader, magician, or mentalist doesn’t know these “beyond secret” methods. You could start a cult with this! Far too powerful to be released publicly. Please take your NLP Home Study Program package off the market—especially now that I own it.” — Joe Vitale, Author, “There’s A Customer Born Every Minute” & “The Secret”

“I am beyond happy to call Rex Sikes my mentor and friend. I’m so happy to have invested into his NLP home study course. Which he has taught many successful people in the past 40 years. Here’s a testimony from Joe Vitale from the movie the secret. If anyone is interested in joining the course. Feel free to reach out to me.” Lynn Serrano – TV host, 2022
“I have very much enjoyed–and benefited from–Rex’s Ultimate NLP Home Study Course™. They are, by far, the best presentation of NLP material that I have ever listened to. Top notch stuff. Thanks for producing, and making available on audio, this excellent program.” — Bryan O’Conner, Chicago, IL
“Rex, we go all the way back to the last century and me finding my way in many ways at that point. You helped me during that point because I learned NLP, and some of the communication material came from you. I was sitting at your feet and learning how to apply it in my life and career. I am always studying, always growing, always working on myself. Thank you Rex! Joe Vitale -Author, appeared in ‘The Secret’, 2022
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Much love, peace and blessings!
Rex Sikes
PS I’m going to keep telling you about this until you join us!
“I give this course a massive thumbs up! And to put it into perspective I was already an NLP trainer when I came across this course some years back and I was blown away by the content in it and the way it is taught. Rex really knows his stuff and the content is amazing. Buy it! I mean every word.” Barry Neale – NLP trainer 2021
“My personal development journey took a turn for the better back in 1996 when I was fortunate enough to be trained and mentored by Rex Steven Sikes.” Joe Soto – Entrepreneur, Marketing Consultant, VA 2020

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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