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“Why are you unhappy? Why are Americans not as happy as they could be? The accurate reason for why people anywhere are not as happy as they could be is because people think circumstances control them. If you asked someone if they could be happy all the time, you’d get a variety of responses. Some would say, ‘Nope, can’t be happy all the time. It’s not realistic to be that happy.

There are times not to be.’ They’d have as many reasons as possible why you could not be happy. There are entire industries dedicated to making sure you aren’t. Social media and marketing thrive on comparison, ensuring you measure your happiness against someone else’s success. For as many who say you can’t be happy all the time, there are just as many who wish they could be.

But they keep it in the realm of wishes instead of realizing they could be happy right now. There are even well-intentioned therapists and others who’d say you can’t be happy all the time. Whatever the reasons are for not always being happy, those reasons are just thoughts. Just thoughts holding you hostage. Your own thinking limits you. Stop the limited thinking, and things can begin to change.


There are industries that profit from your unhappiness, poor health, and financial struggles. Know this. THEN choose to be different.! Develop the positive attitude, mindset, and beliefs to transform yourself. One of the biggest reasons people are unhappy is because they blame themselves, others, events, or circumstances. People think your state of mind depends on external conditions. It doesn’t really.

Most people think circumstances determine happiness and that you can’t be happy in certain situations. They put the power outside themselves and assign blame. People believe they can only be happy when they make others, events, and circumstances conform to their liking. It’s completely the other way around. IF you think you’re powerless to change circumstances, THEN you must accept being unhappy.

This is a critical realization! We’re conditioned from childhood to think our happiness depends on external conditions aligning with our preferences. That reasoning means we’ve no say in our happiness, when in truth, we do. This mentality of victimhood and blame is why Americans rank 19th in the World Happiness Report. The United Nations assesses global well-being and guess what?


The U.S. ranks 19th in life satisfaction among all UN member countries. This is because we blame experiences for our feelings instead of taking responsibility for our mindset. The report provides reasons why Americans are unhappy. They’re dissatisfied with their health, the government and social conditions, among multiple other causes. People blame things outside themselves for their feelings.

People can usually list many reasons why they are unhappy, but they fail to recognize that those reasons are merely habitual thoughts. Whether you realize it or not, your thoughts shape your emotions. Most people don’t realize when they’re thinking poorly. They know when they feel bad but don’t recognize the role their thoughts play in creating those emotions.

However, neuroscience research confirms that we can take charge of our mindset to improve well-being. By becoming internally focused and developing inner reasons for happiness, we can break free from external dependencies. Do we need other people, events, and circumstances to feel positive emotions? We do not. We think we do, but we don’t. Herein, is the problem. Thinking makes it so!


If you believe you do, you will live out that self-fulfilling prophecy and remain a victim of external forces beyond your control. What you CAN control, however, is YOUR reaction to those circumstances. If you always react the way you have in the past, nothing will change. But there’s good news, by shifting from reacting to consciously responding, you can reshape your experiences.

Developing a positive attitude, mindset, and beliefs will help transform yourself. Yes, there’s a learning curve. It’s a conditioning process. At one time, you were conditioned to be and remain a victim. If you want things to be different now, you must think, speak, and act differently. You must do it consistently and persistently until new habits are wiredinto your brain. You must recondition your thinking!

It’s like learning to juggle. You must keep practicing until it becomes easy and natural. Everything we’ve ever learned from rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, speaking, reading, writing, playing an instrument, mastering a sport, memorizing lines or a speech has required repetition and consistency. Learning to take control of your happiness is no different. You must make it a new habit.


The time frame doesn’t matter. The result matters. Once you understand that circumstances do not dictate your happiness, you become liberated. It isn’t about the external world; it’s about what you do in your mind about those circumstances. Thinking makes it so. One person’s ceiling is another person’s floor. It’s not the event or the other person, it’s what you think and feel on the inside about them.

Make up your mind. Decide to take charge of your thinking and feeling so that circumstances no longer control you. Realize that happiness is a choice you make, not something that happens to you. If you want it to come true, it’s up to you. When you take control of your thinking, you are better equipped to handle all circumstances more positively and resourcefully. You get better and it gets easier.

You will start to see hidden opportunities, possibilities, and the silver linings in adversity. But you must be willing to look for them. You can’t default to the old habit of blaming others and circumstances for how you feel without paying a huge cost. It robs your peace of mind.  Choose differently, and when you do, the skies open for you. You’ll find it easier to feel contentment, happiness, and peace of mind.


You’ll be better able to navigate difficulty no matter what shows up in life. You’ll realize the connection you make between circumstances and your emotions is not real. It’s an illusion, a conditioned response. If you still believe otherwise, that is the issue. When you finally understand that you’re in charge of choosing how you feel, your entire reality transforms. It is completely up to you!

I repeat this often: BE-DO-HAVE. Be happy, and you will think, speak, and act accordingly. When you do, you will have the things you desire. GO FIRST! The rest follows. If you think circumstances must change before you can feel differently, you’re trapped in an old, conditioned mindset. Remember Henry Ford said, if you think you can or can’t, you are correct. Either way, thinking makes it so! Get it?

Do you understand how this applies to your own thinking? If it is to be, it is up to me. Choose to be happy, and happiness will follow. Choose not to be happy or choose to blame and you will remain the same. Nothing will change for you until you fully grasp this truth. The power is within you. Most people don’t like their circumstances, so they work on changing them while feeling bad, sad, or mad.


That doesn’t help anything. What you focus on expands. Change yourself and it doesn’t matter if the circumstances change. BUT they’re more likely to change ONCE you change! Transform yourself by renewing your mind, and everything follows from there. If you consider something a problem, it will remain a problem. If you consider it a blessing, it will be a blessing. Whatever it is, IS up to YOU. Want freedom, or remain stuck?

You are correct whichever way you think it. Get it? Do nothing, and nothing changes. What does it cost to stay stuck? Consider the price of stress, missed opportunities, poor health, strained relationships, and unhappiness. Studies indicate that chronic stress and negative thinking contribute to cardiovascular disease, weakened immune systems, and reduced lifespan (Sapolsky, 2004). The cost of not changing is far greater than the investment in transformation.

Acting now ensures a better quality of life, improved emotional well-being, and increased success. Take charge, and everything can change. It may be slow at first, but with persistence, transformation is inevitable. Think better, and you become better. That’s why I created the Create Your Best Life Using Einstein and Tesla’s Genius™ Course, I want to help equip you with everything you need to think, feel, speak, and act more positively, creatively, intuitively, and happily. When you master your thinking, everything works out better for you. Join me, because you don’t have to do it alone, nor should you. Join me in this powerful program now and start celebrating everything!” Rex Sikes

Act Now! Go to rexsikes.com

I’m here to help you awaken so you can experience more joy, more success, better health and more loving relationships. Stop doing it alone. Empty your cup so new goodness can be added to you.

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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