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“You know how I say, ‘if you throw a boomerang the boomerang comes back to you. Not a teacup.’ This is an important distinction to understand. If you want money, you can’t need money. You can’t even want money. The boomerang returns the boomerang.

If you want or need money you get wanting or needing money back. You must be wealthy to create and attract wealth. The reason wealthy people don’t have as much trouble creating wealth is because they know they can do it. They feel it! It’s in their bones.

They are wealthy so they get more wealth. You must too. When you want or need money you actually keep it away from you. You must ‘vibrate’ wealth and abundance. The boomerang returns. Wealth comes back to you when you are already wealthy in mindset.

Like Attracts Like – Birds Of A Feather Flock Together – Focus

You have to find a way being happy, joyful, high vibe feeling good now, without the physical money. Your present must be uplifting and positive. Once you feel wonderful, positive and vibe high with abundance it will come to you, even if you don’t have it now.

Feelings and mindset open the door. You become more creative. You are a creator. You are the attractor. You make it happen. The mirror always reflects back to you your current condition. When you are wealthy from within is when you’ll start being wealthy from without.

You’ll discover so many incredible opportunities, circumstances, events and people when you decide you are already prosperous. A decision moves you closer to riches or further away. To not decide is to have already decided. Choose now. Be wise. I’d like to help you. That’s why I am here. Learn to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Mind Design™ prepares you to manifest your good. It makes the soil ready for planting the law of attraction seeds When you need to, or you’d like to, positively transform yourself and your life,  join me, and enroll in Mind Design™.

You’ll begin to create your best life ever. You’ll learn to celebrate everything! You’ll learn to live more abundantly!!

“My life changed the day I first met you which is quite funny as I was in the middle of Tony Robbins year-long Mastery University but nothing I found there ever compared to what I discovered with you, and now, all these years later, Mind Design! You truly are the gift that goes on giving, our Rex xx🙏”  Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philadelphia, PA

STOP STRUGGLING AND START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE?  You can discover: It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible!

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Enroll In Mind Design™  Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Infographic @2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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