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“Imagine you are a sculptor. Your intention is to sculpt a statue. You conceive the idea. You want to fashion a person. In your mind you see what you want to create. You envision every detail. You are a sculpture, you know you can sculpt this.

You know you need some things. You get the materials. Your tools. The medium you sculpt. You gather everything together and you set the time aside to sculpt. You diligently work, sculpting your vision. In time you finish. You unveil your creation. You stand back, proud.

If anywhere along the way, it doesn’t go the way you like, you can adjust, make corrections, and take action to fashion it more to your liking. You may feel all the while the sculpture comes through you or that your ability comes from god but it is you who are creating it.

Attitude Is That Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference

You are the sculptor. Get it? You think about it. You gather resources. You take action. You make it happen. You make adjustments. You complete it. Not once, did you hope it would materialize from god or the universe. You didn’t doubt it.

You did it. You made it happen. You didn’t fret, worry, fear or get depressed about whether or not it would happen. You made it happen. Get it? The same is true about you, your life, your goals and dreams. You make them happen. You do it. Get it?

You are the creator. Get used to it. Make your dreams come true and stop whining about the process. Do it. Be glad you can. Be thankful in all things. Delight in the process. You are the creator, the sculptor, the person who gets it done. You plant seeds and harvest. So celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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