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“Science states there’ s Cause and Effect. We look for causes outside ourselves because that is what we grew up conditioned to do. We blame others, events and circumstances for our woes. Sometimes, we even blame it for our luck. This is a huge mistake to make.

When we assume responsibility for results, events and circumstances, even if it is not true and only a reframe, we put ourselves in the driver’s seat. We’re not a passenger but we are in charge and have the power to get where we want to go.

To not decide to be responsible and take charge of mindset is to continue to live haphazardly, by default, blaming things outside of us, making excuses and living with lackluster results. One powerful decision can transform all that. It is a decision we must make daily.

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life

We need to choose what we think, feel and do. We need to understand we shape our destiny and that we have the power to make things happen. We may need assistance from others to bring things about, so we cooperate with others for greater results.

Positive things happen when you think positive. You take charge of your thinking. You steer yourself in positive and productive directions. You get to your destination because you know where you’re going and you’re responsible for getting there.

Because you take control of your thoughts you make good things happen. You become a powerful positive force. You have a choice to think positive “I can do it!” thoughts or negative “I can’t do it.”  because it’s the only real choice there is.

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life

What you decide to think determines the quality of your life. Your predominant thoughts and attitude determine what you experience. Whatever you focus on expands. What you think about most of the time each day is what you get. Either you can or you can’t. Decide!

If it’s to come true, it’s up to you. If you don’t think it’s possible or that you can, most likely you won’t and will have to live the consequences. If you think it is possible and you can do it then most likely you’ll try and you make changes to move you forward. Get it?

Whatever seed you plant is what grows. You don’t get beans if you plant corn. you won’t live a positive life thinking negative thoughts. If you don’t control your mind your mind will control you. Do you want to be controlled or in control?

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life

Decide what you’ll do and what you will water and nourish. Whatever you nourish is what will grow; weeds or beautiful plants. If you don’t tend your garden it will be overrun by weeds and pests. You determine the results you go after. Think positive thoughts and get positive results. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

PS I want to give you a $497 BONUS training for free to accompany your purchase of my book ‘Life On Your Terms’ from Amazon. Check it out! If you already purchased my book simply follow the simple instructions on my website and you get the training too!


“‘Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

Meme royalty free public domain image used

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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