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“What is self-confidence? It is the deep abiding belief in oneself and in one’s abilities to make whatever one desires come true. It’s not egotistical, boastful, rude or abusive. A self confident person is not a bully because a self-confident person doesn’t have to be. The self-confident person loves and accepts himself. She accepts and loves others too. A self-confident person knows in his heart and mind he will succeed.

She is focused and expects everything to work out on her behalf. She knows she’s 100% responsible for making her dreams come true. He’s unstoppable and persists in making things happen. She does not give up. A self-confident person rejoices when a colleague advances. There’s no envy or resentment because the self-confident person isn’t in competition with anyone else.She acknowledges when others succeed.

He’s happy for them. If there’s competition it’s for the self-confident person to better himself today and tomorrow. She competes with herself to be her personal best. A self-confident person doesn’t whine or complain about others, circumstance, politics, religion, the economy or the world at large. If there are problems a self-confident person works to overcome the problem by focusing on the solutions.


He doesn’t waste time complaining about things because he knows none of that has anything to do with his success. She knows if it’s going to happen it will be up to her and her attitude. If she’s going to manifest her dreams there are no obstacles that can prevent her. She will prevail because she will persist. The self-confident person succeeds and wins the game of life because he expects to win. He knows it is a game.

He treats it that way. He has fun and enjoys the process. He’s not defeated by challenges but enjoys them. She lives life fully accepting herself and others and thinking the best of both. She is optimistic and has a bright outlook on her future. She has a deep faith in her heart, a knowingness that she will make wonderful things happen. A self-confident person can be at peace within himself. He’s nothing to prove.

He doesn’t have to ‘crush’ others. He’s at home within himself. Develop your competence and you’ll develop your confidence. Become good at what you are able to do and your confidence will increase too. Develop the confidence to know you can learn anything you dedicate yourself to. Confidence is an attitude. Develop your attitude. Remember, winners, win! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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