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“Everything in the universe operates on frequency. You, your thoughts, your emotions, your desires, all vibrate at a particular frequency. When frequencies align and amplify one another, incredible things happen. This is the essence of constructive interference, a fundamental principle in quantum physics. And it’s the secret to mastering the Law of Attraction. Constructive interference occurs when two or more waves meet in harmony, amplifying their energy.

Think of two perfectly timed ripples in a pond converging. When they sync up, they create a much larger wave. Your thoughts and emotions are waves of energy. If they are aligned with the frequency of your desires, they amplify, attracting what you seek into your reality. If they are scattered, disjointed, or working against each other, they cancel out, just like destructive interference, where opposing waves weaken and eliminate each other.

The Law of Attraction isn’t about mere wishful thinking. It’s about coherence. It’s achieving a state where your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions are in vibrational harmony with what you want. You are aligned and congruent within and without. Your heart and mind are one. Both feet are in the boat, and you are heading toward your destination. There’s no doubt. There’s no worry. You are certain that you are making it happen.


When you send out a clear, strong, coherent frequency, the universe responds in kind. But when your signals are mixed, when you’ve one foot on the dock and the other on the boat you are stuck, when you desire wealth but fear lack, when you want love but doubt your worth, you create interference that blocks your manifestations. Read that again. YOU create interference. Get this. You either create coherence or interference. Understand this.

Some people are great at giving but not so good at receiving. Some are good at taking but not giving. A bird needs both wings to fly. They must be used in tandem. They must be synchronized and simultaneous. Get this!  Science backs this up. Studies in quantum mechanics show that observation influences reality, what you focus on expands. The double-slit experiment revealed that electrons behave as waves of potential until observed.

The mere act of observation collapses these waves into a definitive outcome. Your focused thoughts act the same way. They shape the reality you experience. Similarly, research in heart-brain coherence by the HeartMath Institute shows that when emotions and thoughts are in sync, they create a powerful electromagnetic field that influences outcomes and even affects those around you. Look at successful individuals.


Whether entrepreneurs, athletes, or artists. They don’t just hope to win; they condition themselves to vibrate at the frequency of success. Olympic athletes use visualization methods, essentially tuning their minds and bodies to the frequency of victory. They create coherence between thought, emotion, and action. They rehearse in advance through imagination and actual practice to wire in the body memory so they act automatically and reliably to win.

It is the conditioning process that makes the difference. When the race or activity begins, they rely on Unconscious Competence to see them through. Those less successful are trying to talk and walk themselves through it IN Conscious Competence. Understand the difference. They wire it in through practice and rehearsal, real and imaginary. They become one mind and one body. They align with their desires. They become certain they can do it.

Competence! They are BOTH competent AND confident. They must be both to excel. Tesla and Einstein, both masters of frequency and resonance, understood this principle. Tesla famously said, If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. If your energy is chaotic, if you let fear, doubt, and negative thinking dominate your mind, you’re engaging in destructive interference.


You cancel out your own potential. You block prosperity. You weaken your signal and get frustrated when what you desire doesn’t show up. This is why so many people struggle with manifestation. They simply don’t realize they are emitting conflicting signals that the universe cannot respond to clearly. That is a huge cost of NOT understanding this principle. But here’s the good news: You can learn to align your frequencies consciously.

You can develop coherence, strengthen your signal, and amplify your power. Alone, you have immense potential. Together, we are unstoppable. This is why working with a mentor, someone who understands these principles and has mastered their application, can accelerate your transformation. You don’t have to figure it out alone. In my Create Your Best Life Using Einstein & Tesla’s Genius™ program, I guide you step by step.

Yes, step by step to tune your mind and emotions to the right frequency. You’ll learn powerful methods to create coherence, eliminate destructive interference, and manifest with precision. You’ll discover how to reprogram your subconscious, override limiting beliefs, and unlock your infinite potential. This is about stepping into alignment with the life you were meant to live. Are you ready to stop canceling yourself out?


Are you ready to vibrate at the level of your dreams and amplify your success, wealth, happiness, and well-being? The universe is listening—make sure it hears the right signal. Join me, and together we will turn up your power, amplify your frequency, and create the life you deserve. If you have to think about it, that is part of the issue you face. I do want you to make an informed decision, but you must decide. If you delay on this, what else do you delay on? Get it? How you do one thing is how you do everything. Join me and together let’s celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes



I’m here to help you awaken so you can experience more joy, more success, better health and more loving relationships. Stop doing it alone. Empty your cup so new goodness can be added to you.

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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