“Here’s a concept many people seem to have difficulty with. Oh, they give it lip service but when things change they get wired, weird or freaked out. Change is constant. The universe is expanding. Nothing stays the same, nor are things permanent. Everything changes!
Change is natural. Events, circumstances and people come and go. We transition. Sometimes things are good. Sometimes things seem not so good. Remember, this too will pass. It always does given enough time. Things get better and improve. Night becomes day.
Then it becomes night again. For everything there is a season. Time to plant. Time to wait and nurture. Time to harvest. Obviously. we could celebrate through all of it, but most wait until the results are in to enjoy themselves. Big mistake. Celebrate all along the way!
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People come and go. Into our lives and out. They leave us through death, through arguments, or they simply move to another locale. Get this. Everything, each event, circumstance and person is there for a while and then not. Celebrate them while you are able.
If they go, let them go. It may hurt or maybe you are glad to be rid of them. Either way let go. Forgive yourself, them, the event or circumstance to free yourself up! These come to us for a time to teach us. Sometimes through happiness. Sometimes though pain.
Love them and let them go. Celebrate them while there. Celebrate them while gone. Celebrate with and without them. They contributed to you, your learning, your transformation whether pleasant or painful. All is good even when it doesn’t appear to be.
Pain Comes From Clinging And Insisting How Things Must Be
People come and go. When someone comes in, celebrate. When someone leaves, celebrate. You’re together for as long as you’re together. Perhaps, you’ll be together again but perhaps not. Don’t make an issue of it. Consider it a blessing for that time. Get it?
Let it all go. relax and rejoice. Be in this moment. Let go of the past moments. Don’t take anything personally. It’s not about you. It’s not about them. Everything is an opportunity and a blessing if you are aware and wise enough to recognize it. We grow through challenges.
We grow through the easy times. Realize they were there for as long as they were meant to be. It’s a reframe for sure, but it’s absolutely useful! We aren’t in competition with others unless of course we are. We can’t control others or circumstances, so instead create the best you, and your best life! Release the rest. Get it? Don’t make things a problem. Don’t label things a problem and they won’t be. Everything is a blessing. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS Did you know this book will help you make your dreams come true. It’s an easy to read, powerful book about how you can claim back your life, overcome difficulty and live the life you desire without fear, hassle, and stress? Pursue your dreams and live happily! Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen.
If you’d like to know how to live better and enjoy life more, Life On Your Terms is available at Amazon in book or kindle. Here’s the link for your convenience.
“Rex wants you to live the life of your dreams. His book is the road map to successfully and fully chase the excellence you desire and deserve. Happy reading.” – Mark Victor Hansen Author Chicken Soup For The Soul
Meet Tony. He works in film and personal development. He is an enthusiastic proponent of self-improvement and learning! Some words he has said about this book: “…one of the things that I wanted to learn from Rex – how not to be bothered by anything. What an incredibly valuable notion – to celebrate everything. That’s the kind of stuff this book teaches you…”

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC