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horizons wet-phil-koch

“Today, accept yourself. Realize you are perfect as you are. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone. You are just right, neither too much or to little. You have all the resources you need already within. Inside of you is buried treasure and it’s time you claim it. Now!

Since you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone go through your day at peace. Choose to let things go. Don’t let anything or anyone annoy you, frustrate you or irritate you. Stay at peace. Stay calm. Stay centered. Be the eye of the hurricane. Feel at ease. Do it.

Success in anything is an inside job. Your happiness, health in mind and body, your wealth and accomplishments, and how you get along with others all begins first inside you. Your thoughts determine how you feel, and your actions. So keep positive, peaceful thoughts.

Live As If This Is All There Is – You Get What You Focus On – Enjoy

Forgive if you must. Learn to drop issues instantly. Breathe, take a breath or two or ten if need be and find your center. The easiest way to remain calm and peaceful is to realize everything and everyone in your life is a blessing to help you grow through ease or struggle.

Feel blessed to have them in and around you. Count your blessings. Concentrate on the different ways you are already happy, healthy, and wealthy. Find the good within you, in your life and within others. Be grateful. Express appreciation silently and out loud to others.

Focus on what you have. Focus on what makes you delighted. Let go of anything else. Allow yourself to enjoy this day. Celebrate this day, your family, your friends, your work, your play, your life and you! Let today be an adventure. Fill yourself with childlike wonder. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Spend your day gloriously!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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