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“In a previous blog I mentioned Thich and masters and miracles.  A FB reader got upset about ‘Christians’ who profess faith but their actions aren’t congruent. It seems true presently, and perhaps it has always been so, there are Christians in name only, but not in deed.

Christianity has been co-opted and has infiltrated politics. Many use it for gathering votes but don’t adhere to the faith or tenants. There is no shortage of news items whereby a professed christian is caught in a questionable or criminal sex act or money scam.

There are also truly good christians who stumble and fall. After all, remember this, ‘he who is without sin cast the first stone’. Many things are possible. I’d like to point out a few things given that tempers ran hot in that discussion. Not everything is as it appears.

By Their Actions You Will Know Them 

The gentleman accused christians of being fakes, liars who attacked and harmed others instead of turning the other cheek. There is a faction of ‘militant’, so-called, self-righteous ‘christians’ who hurl insults and insist all do as they say. They don’t, but insist others do.

In my bible it says or suggests that christians are supposed to turn the other cheek. They are to forgive. They are to let their light shine. They are to take care of the little ones, and the poor and sick. They are to love god first and then their neighbor as themselves.

It did not say love and care for  ‘only those who look like you and think and act like you. It said ‘neighbors’. They are to give. Jesus pointed this out, when he spoke of the widow not having much to give, but giving much of what she did have, as an example to follow.

Love One Another As I Have Loved You

That not everyone does these things shouldn’t be an indictment against Jesus or the movement that sprang up around, or because of him, but it should help us recognize who is true to the teaching and who isn’t. We have a standard to recognize ‘christians’ in name only.

Remember, the bible says beware of those coming in ‘his’ name. Beware of false prophets (of course, some of these people, we are discussing, like to point the finger at other faiths. Personally, I believe he meant ‘his’ faith not other faiths). Beware of the false!

‘Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing’. That means his flock not buddhists, atheists, hindus, muslims or jews. It meant the ‘christians’. Remember scripture says ‘by their works you shall know them’. We can clearly see people aren’t walking the walk, but claiming to be.

Action Is The Proper Fruit Of Knowledge

What should we do? Don’t blame christianity. Just notice there are those who adopt the name, but don’t walk the walk. They talk, accuse, blame and act righteous. They even quote scriptures. When caught, they make excuses and blame others or the devil.

These are the wolves. Be thankful we can tell the real from the false! Now what should we do? If you are an actual follower of Jesus you forgive, you accept, you turn the other cheek, if necessary, and you help them get instruction in righteousness. You love and accept.

You live and let your light shine. You DO WHAT JESUS WOULD HAVE DONE! He healed people and said, ‘Go and sin no more.’ He healed them and sent them on their way. You don’t see him chasing after them and accusing them of being bad. Love them.  Heal them!

Live To A Higher Standard – Love – Embrace – Accept – Give – Heal

Yes, it is tough to love without conditions until you get so used to doing it that it is natural. I think that is what Jesus was hoping for the rest of us. Live so exemplary and so lovingly that nothing gets you ruffled. Live giving. Live in peace. Live abundantly and help others to do the same. Seems for the most part, Jesus really did celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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