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I will be adding a new set of features to my blog that I think you will really like. In my quest to continue to add greater and greater value I want to be able to introduce you to some important concepts and people. I’ll still share and write blogs from time to time as I have.

I’ll incorporate more tips, advice, suggestions from others too. I’ll review the best books, videos, mp3s, products and programs, that I have either used or know the authors of.  I’ll include links to articles and resources that are free or for purchase. The best of both!

I want to share the very best of what absolutely works with you so you can include these in your home study and personal transformation.  I haven’t fully decided how or when this will all unfold but I hope you are as excited by this as I am.

This way you will continue to receive the highest value and finest transformational goodies available. Some things I share you may already be familiar with or have utilized, some you may not have heard of. My plan is to unfold this in coming days, weeks and months.

Anything I recommend or anything I provide a link to will be something I am personally familiar with! No BS, just the best!

For now I’d like to kick it all this off with a brief video.  I think you’ll love the principles behind what happens in it. It’s called ‘The Death Crawl’ from the movie ‘Facing Giants’. If you ever doubt yourself watch this video. It’s only a few minutes. Watch it now!

Click This Link To Watch Video Right Now:


Wow, isn’t that awesome? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Continue to fill your day with gratitude. Live to the fullest. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

Stay fabulous!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

NEW BLOG SITE LAUNCHES SOON – Do you get this blog emailed to you? You will have  to again subscribe to this blog, newsletter. I’d hate for you to miss anything when it switches. Subscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude!

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