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what you allow is what will continue

“Would you like to be able to make some positive behavioral changes and keep them? Are there some behaviors you would like to be able to cut down or stop completely? Could you use more self-control? If you answered yes to these question there is a simple thing you can do.  First, keep in mind that we think is important. Everything first begins with our thoughts. We speak those thoughts to ourselves, out loud and to others. What we think and say is important. We become what we think about.

Take responsibility for the behavior you want to stop or start. Don’t blame or criticize yourself for doing it. Realize if you are going to stop it YOU are going to stop it. If it is going to happen it will be up to you! It is not up to anyone else. You must stop being a victim of the behavior and realize you are the person who performs the behaviors. You decide whether or not you will do something. You are in charge. Stop thinking and saying ‘you can’t’ help it, or that you can’t stop it. If you can’t do something it means you are powerless. You want to and need to claim your power.

If you want and need to become more powerful YOU need to begin to think of yourself as powerful. You have to see yourself and tell yourself that you are in charge. You have to act like someone in charge.You want to develop a mind set that you can and will do what you want. You can and will do what you say you will and you will keep your word. Various research concludes that people who say ‘I don’t’ instead of ‘I can’t’ had more positive behavior changes because they had more self control.

If you think and say, ‘I don’t eat chips’ instead of ‘I can’t stop eating chips’ the difference is two fold. First, you become a person who does not engage in the particular behavior. You are a person in power and control. That is part of your identity. Second, as a result of the first reason, the behavior does not control or determine your future YOU do. When you are not the type of person who does something you don’t do it. When you are in charge, when you have control, when you make the decisions everything is different. You become the person who does or does not do something rather than letting behaviors determine what you are able to do.

Feel free to add that you are the kind of person who ‘can’ control behaviors. YOU can make decisions and stick to them. You don’t let snacks (or other habits) govern you. You are the kind of person who IS able to control your behaviors. So you will. How we think about ourselves and what we say has an incredible impact on what we are able to do and not do. Thoughts lead to actions. Govern your thoughts and words and you can govern your behaviors.

Decide to be in charge of your life. Think and say those things that move you forward. Think and say only those things that heal, bless and prosper you and others. Realize who you are, what kind of person you are and what you are able to accomplish. Think it, say it claim it! BE IT!” Rex Sikes

Make today count!

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