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“What are you grateful for? There are so many people and so many things to appreciate? Can you list a few? Who do you appreciate? What experiences in your life have blessed you? What things in life are you thankful you have?

Could you do that every day? Spend some time feeling grateful? Especially prior to bed could you do this? It is such an amazing practice. The more you can feel truly grateful the more life becomes incredible. Feeling blessed is transformation. Feeling blessed opens the way for all good things in life!

I am so grateful for so many blessings in my life. My children, my family and friends, my career, all of my experiences that have led me to today. Thanks for those that are good and those one wouldn’t think of as good but which actually are. All experiences good and bad. Everything!

The Attitude Is Gratitude

Thank you readers! Thank you who spend time with me. Thanks to you, who in whatever ways, put into practice some of the principles shared here. Thank you for taking time each day to inspire yourself and others. Thanks for the comments. Thanks to you who share this blog so others can benefit. You all are a blessing!

I appreciate you even if I do not personally know you. The more we positively influence each other the more pockets of positivity that form and grow in our world. The more people who are positive the more powerful changes we can make. Birds of a feather flock together.

We can be a force that helps make the world a better place within our own community and without. You can be a force that helps change the world by outreach. While we may never meet in person we are on the same team that helps the world become a better place.

Magic Happens When You Can Celebrate Everything

Heck, it is already a really marvelous place! People may gunk it up with their limitations and greed but together we can change that. The world is still marvelous! We can be influencers for positive change. We can dream our goals and achieve them together.  What we focus on expands.

It begins with the idea. If we are inspired to live better and make a better place for ourselves and our children then we can. We can accomplish what we set out to as long as we keep at it and do not quit. So I thank you for being part of a community of people who want to live better, work better, play better, and relate better.

So today, let us celebrate. Celebrate being together. Celebrate all the wonderful people in your life. Celebrate your experiences. Celebrate all the things you have. Stop, pause and truly be grateful. Enjoy it, delight in all of it. Transformation occurs inside appreciation!” Rex Sikes

Delight in all today!

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Horizon photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

NEW SITE TO LAUNCH SOON – Daily Inspiration And Gratitude’s new URL is coming soon. The site will have a new look and feel.

If you get this blog emailed to you, I don’t know whether that will continue or not. I do know you will be able to subscribe to the blog and my new newsletter.

Stick with me. I’d hate for you to miss anything when it switches.

PS A great practice is read the posts daily and then go back and re-read from time to time. You will discover things you missed the first few readings. Try it, you will be surprised.

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