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“Sometimes progress is one step forward, two steps back. So we must remain dedicated, optimistic and understand that it IS what it is. We must accept the timeline is outside of our control. We must give up to go forward. Let it be. Continue on in good faith. We act.

Keep your mindset positive and your resolve firm. Not everything is an easy path to the top of the hill. There are challenges. As some of you know, I am healing a spinal and leg issue.  Some days, have been intense. Other days mild. Then, intense again. That’s just how it is.

We need to accept and go through the process. We continue forward making progress, yes, but we don’t resist what is. The key is to learn to accept, allow, and embrace it. Go with the flow. Let it be as it is. Learn how to unconditionally accept everything. Let go.

You Can Go With The Flow – Even A Dead Fish Can – Just Do It

Judgement is resistance. Judgement will prevent you from moving forward easily. Whether you judge an event, situation, yourself or others, it freezes the process. Of course, the process still continues, but you have resisted. You have labeled. You aren’t allowing.

If you say what you have you will have what you say. So be careful. What story do you tell yourself and others? Speak only to bless, heal and prosper. Your thoughts and words are powerful. You declare and affirm how things are and shall be. Remember this. It’s important!

If you say it’s difficult, unfair, unwanted, unwarranted, unfortunate, you have judged and labeled. You declare it a certain way. You fight it. When your energy is locked in fighting you aren’t moving yourself forward. Yes, it is all part of a larger cosmic play. Become aware!

Don’t Just Go With The Flow – Become The Flow – Let Go

It is all part of what IS but you are resisting what is. You’re attempting to go against the flow. You may do it but you will struggle. Instead, surrender. Give in. Allow. Declare it a blessing and an opportunity. One you may not, now or ever, understand.

That is okay. When you accept it as a blessing and opportunity your brain AND the universe can co-conspire to help you move forward positively. When you are thankful and accepting, when you are learning you are growing. When you affirm it is good, it is good!

Remember this. You have a choice, a decision. You can live resisting and struggling, locked in negativity and judgements OR you can live now, as if the good you want in the future, IS already yours. Act as if you have it right now. Enjoy. Be grateful. Gratitude opens the door. You go through all of it much better when you are joyful and enthused. So celebrate. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

And now this:

What if I told you that there was a specific formula for success?

That if followed…you’re virtually guaranteed to succeed.

Would you listen?  If you are nodding your head and saying “HECK YA”, then you’re in luck because my good friend and #1 New York Times bestselling author, T. Harv Eker, has just put the finishing touches on his brand new web class, Zero To MultiMillionaire, where he’ll reveal this proven formula…RV+ RK + RY  = Success.

Want to know what it is?

Then click here to reserve your seat and register for this training.

On this NEW T. Harv Eker Signature Class, you’ll also learn:

  • 6 specific principles that make the biggest difference between getting rich and staying middle class or broke
  • T. Harv Eker’s single biggest regret (this cost him 11 years of extra struggle) and how you can avoid it
  • The reason 80% of businesses fail within the first 3 years and how to skyrocket your business right from day 1
  • How to identify and eliminate 3 “success killing” mistakes almost everyone makes
  • A single strategy that will multiply your wealth by TENFOLD
  • The myth of “multiple streams of income” and why it could destroy you vs. help you
  • A five letter characteristic you MUST develop in order to be successful
  • Why the “right” vehicle is not the most important key to creating massive success
  • How to turn your business into a money-making machine so you never have to work hard again

Plus much, much, much more.

» Click here to reserve your spot today!

Be successful!


PS  I wanted to share with you this incredible opportunity. I think it is important enough to send as an extra special announcement. I have been a big fan of T. Harv Eker because his programs and materials work.

PSS I have spent lots of money learning from Harv. I am so glad I did. I am also proud to say you can find my work within much of what he teaches too.

PSSS I am sending this to you because I believe in it. I believe if you apply what you learn from Harv you can absolutely transform your life and begin to live it on your own terms.

PSSSS Full disclosure. I get nothing from Harv when you take his free programs or download materials. If you make a purchase I may get a small thank you from his company.

PSSSSS The reason I tell you this is to be completely transparent and so you know I COMPLETELY believe in these programs or I wouldn’t refer them to you.

Check it out – click here to register  for free


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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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