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“We are all journeying separately, together. We have our solo missions and yet, we all travel together and help each other succeed. No one lives or journeys in true isolation. So what kind of journey is it? What is your journey about? Are you enjoying the journey.

The journey seems to be mostly about awareness. What you are able to discover about yourself, others and the world while you are here. You either enjoy your journey or you do not. If not, why not? What is it that prevents you from enjoying where you are right this moment.

BEcome aware. BEcome aware of all crap so you can let go, forgive and move onward. BEcome aware of all the good so you can celebrate and enjoy. BEcome aware of when you are selfish and not giving. BEcome aware when you are supportive and helpful.

The Goal Of Life Is To Be Fully Alive – Live Learn Love Laugh – BE

You will discover many things about yourself. Seek to. BEcome aware. Notice how I spelled BEcome. When we simply, ‘be’ who we are without masks, without filters and prejudices, without judgements the journey becomes so much more delightful.

Hardships BEcome blessings because you BEcome aware of those hidden within the challenges. As you become more aware of how you hold yourself back and let go of it you have more energy to enjoy all the wonderful good things that you were missing. It’s about focus.

The journey is all we have. The destination is off in the future. How you arrive at the destination is more important than actually arriving. You can’t sacrifice now for back then or what is up ahead. You only have how you live, love and celebrate now. Happiness is!

How You Journey To Your Destination Is Everything Be Here Now

It isn’t about getting to be happy later when your bills are paid and you have your dream career, relationship, car or home. It is BEcoming happy now in spite of those less than glorious times. Learn to BE happy. Be fulfilled. Be rich even when your wallet is empty.

Awareness is the key. Have the courage to face yourself and explore. BE willing to examine what you find. Let go of what stops you. Accentuate what moves you into BEing and greater awareness. Live well this moment and the next takes care of itself. Delight in all. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Make today about your discovery and celebrate!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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