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what you think about you bring about

“Your brain does whatever it learned to do. That is what a servo mechanism (remember this term from earlier posts) does. It carries out the program.

Whatever you  filled your brain with while you grew up, whatever your predominant thoughts are (remember we think 60,000 thoughts a day and most of them similar to those we thought yesterday) is what the servo mechanism produces.

If your thoughts are positive, if you plant positive seeds, you get back positive results. If your thoughts are negative, if you plant negative seeds then that is what you reap. Whether you do it deliberately and with conscious control or whether it is just whatever you normally have done, all of your life, you get back whatever your dominant thoughts are. Your servo mechanism, your unconscious mind, takes whatever you have given it and produces the results you get in life.

60,000 thoughts a day don't waste

Good or bad it is up to you.

Now here is a very important concept to understand and appreciate so that you don’t wallow in self blame. Whatever you did, whatever you got, wherever you are now, is the result of the only choices that you could make because you didn’t know any different at the time. You did what you knew to do. There is no shame in that.

‘Drifting’ means no choice, it means you exercise no deliberate control. If you don’t decide to run your brain your brain runs you. It does whatever it does. If you don’t determine where you want to go, if you don’t pick your destination, wherever you end up, however you end up there, is where you end up. You are like a ship with no power. You go wherever the current takes you.

This is why most people get haphazard results. They don’t take the time to learn how to take charge of their own thought processes. They don’t design their life or their career.

Oh sure they think about it but sometime positive and sometimes negative. They don’t know what seeds they are planting and they are mixing seeds. They are seeding nice plants, poisonous plants and weeds all at the same time. Half the time they feel okay and the other half of the time they feel poor.  So the results they get are mixed.

garbage in out good decisions

When we think powerful, energetically charged positive thoughts, again and again, we activate our servo mechanism to go after and produce those results. It is whatever we hold predominantly in our mind that we get back. We become what we think about most of the time. Are your dominant thoughts positive or negative? Which do you spend more time doing? This definitely matters.

Are you in control or has your brain been running you because you haven’t taken control yet? You need to be in charge to have the life you have always wanted. It is up to you and the choices you make. This is what separates the successful from those who are not.

Those who live happy lives and have marvelous careers, health, wealth and love are those who control their thoughts and feelings and create the results they want. The people who have everything they want in life and who are happy make it happen and rarely luck into it.

thoughts cycle to thoughts

The truly successful people design their lives. They make their thoughts, feelings and actions work for them. The aim at their goals and pursue them. They create, they target and they attract what they want.

Anyone can do this! We all are capable but only a few will. Only a handful of people will develop the powers we all have within us. The rest, because they do not know any better and are ignorant of the opportunity, scatter and dissipate their power. They do get results just not what they intend to. They are too busy and too good at creating what they don’t want by not choosing what they do want and going for it.

Everyone has the same power and the same ability, yet only few utilize it well. What about you? Do you want things different? Do you want to have a better life? I sure did and I was great at getting what I didn’t want. If I can change that so can you!

if you can dream it you can do it

You can get the same results for yourself when you take charge. When you take positive steps, as others have done, to make their life work yours will too. It is always in our hands to determine what our  present and future become.

Success breeds success. It gets easier and easier as you move along. You know what to do to get results and you do it. Challenges are only opportunities for feedback to adjust your plans as you pursue your goals.

This is what the truly successful people know and do. Why not you? Never let the past prevent you from creating, having and enjoying a remarkable present and an outstanding future!

Start and keep making good positive choices for yourself today and you can have everything you have ever wanted. EVEN if you don’t get everything (because I always think it is worth considering this next point) you make your life FAR MORE wonderful than it would have ever been. This is truly worth it. Don’t you think so? Make the decision today!” Rex Sikes

More to come in the next post. Stay tuned AND Have the most delicious day possible!

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