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“Tonight I am at a film festival. It is good to see some old friends. It is good to meet new friends. For the blog today,  I encourage you to catch up with family and friends. Nurture your relationships. Celebrate the people you know. Stop and listen and learn from them.

Take a moment to really connect. Enjoy the people who make up your life. Business, while important, is not that important. I grew up, for the most part, surrounded by filmmakers. Many whose heads were planted firmly planted up the rectal canal.  Vision limited.

I mean no disrespect. However, while film is important people are more important. I know some will disagree. I am writing tonight to remind you to connect and enjoy. Celebrate and love. Make time to savor your family and friends and support each other.

Take The Time To Tell Someone Why They Are Special To You

Take a moment and list out what you appreciate about each of your children, your siblings, your parents, you partners in life, your closest friends. Really think about what makes them special and what you like about them. Appreciate them. Sometime, perhaps, tell them.

Tell them why they are so important to you. Look them in the eye and let them know you care. It is one thing to say ‘I love you’ and it is another to tell them what you like and admire about them and why. Be grateful. Live, laugh, love and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Get in touch with a loved one today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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