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“I came across this information about a young Pewaukee, WI pizza delivery guy who became, at the time, history’s highest-paid defensive player in the NFL. He signed a 100 million dollar contract at 25 years old. Can you imagine what you’d do with that money?

With all that money J.J. Watt wasn’t sure what to buy. So he searched ‘what do the rich buy?’ When people on twitter discovered he’d done this, he replied ‘I don’t feel like a rich person, and I don’t really try to act like a rich person, so I don’t know what they buy.’

He decided to stick to his humble lifestyle. He had paid his way through college. He worked hard at football, was named an All-American and by 2011 he was a sought after draft pick. He was dedicated and persisted and his attitude and efforts paid off.

You Are Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You 

It’s his attitude that’s most meaningful. He says, ‘the way I look at it is that somebody in the world, no matter what your field is, teacher, violinist or football player, has to be the best. So, why not me?’ Consider that a moment! Why not me? Why don’t I be the best?

Watt lives by this: Dream big. Work hard. He is dedicated. He’s also a team player. He stated, ‘My goal in the offseason is to create the best athlete I can create and give it to the coaches. Then say, ‘Here, use it how you want it.’  He is dedicated. You can be too. Dream big!

Decide to be the best. You can develop an attitude similar to the one that propelled J.J. Watt. Attitude comes from within. Let go of that which holds you back and fill your mind with what moves you forward. Read inspirational material AND apply it. Knowing it doesn’t change you. Using it changes you! Decide to do it and decide nothing will stop you. Go for it and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes



Available at Amazon world-wide! Get it today. Create your best life!

“As one of the ‘Top 25 Network Marketers in World’ and also a recovering alcoholic with over 30 years sobriety, I am constantly asked to review and read books on personal development either in business or recovery. Most of them are just like the last one I read. Nothing ever seems new or too useful. And then came Life On Your Terms by Rex Sikes. From the first page, I knew this book would be different and better. And the more I read the more right I was. Read this book. It will change your life. Even if your life is great, like mine is today, it will make it even better. I have so many people reading it, from my son to my AA friends to my business associates, because it works for everyone. I LOVE THIS BOOK!” – Tom Chenault, The Tom Chenault Radio Show


©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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