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“Poverty and segregation is man made and devastating. Man kills man in more ways than one can imagine. Man kills through religion, politics, separation from resources, weapons and in other ways.  Plus, there are accidents, overdoses and suicides.

Some always want to dominate others. The only thing NOT man made in this discussion are natural disasters and non-human diseases. Otherwise, humans are responsible for the inequity and the harm that cause one another. We do it. We can change it.

That said, humans are also responsible for many good things. Many rush to help each other in crisis. Many risk their own lives to help others in daily and in emergencies. For some it’s a job. Some do much good. Some do much harm. It’s the human way. That isn’t the issue.

Problems Exist In Your Mind – What You Focus On Expands

You’ll always have the good, and the bad. Just as you have hot and cold, night and day, short and tall. People may always clash and oppose each other. People may always do good, help and uplift. The issue isn’t that. It’s what is your attention on? Where’s your focus?

Are you helping or harming? Are you creating more good, more bad or in doing nothing letting everything fall where it will. Either you’re part of a solution or part of a problem.  Either you’re positive or you are not. Your focus determines what you will find most! Get it?

Problems and conflicts aren’t meant to be denied or ignored. They’re to be corrected and improved upon. Problems tell us something, somewhere, in the system is out of balance or off. Problems alert us to the fact something needs addressing and changing.

Positive Or Negative – Your Choice – You Make The Difference

It’s okay to notice problems. Just don’t dwell on them. Don’t get sucked down a negative rabbit hole. Don’t lose your power, confidence or positivity. Seek to be more aware and helpful. Transform the not so good situations into better ones.

If you don’t do it, and I don’t do it, who will? We have to become the change we want to see happen in the world.. We must GO FIRST. We must take positive right action. We ought to seek to not interfere unhelpfully, but to assist and uplift whenever we can  ‘IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME’ means no one else is responsible for doing it. If I want it I must do it. GET IT? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing soon. I will keep you posted when you can get it!


“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA

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“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL

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