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“By allowing others to be who they are, you are freer to be who you are. Isn’t freedom what you really want anyway?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be free to be who you are and to enjoy what you want when you want to? Well, others want the same. Think win/win!

Positive energy is infectious to other positive people. It can be uplifting for those who need a lift. People who don’t resonate with you may choose not to be around one who feels so good. That is okay. You always attract the right people good or ‘bad.’ Allow for it.

Those you want to attract may just need some extra time to come around. Don’t be evangelical about anything. Don’t insist others change. Simply accept them. Allow for anything and everything. Allow each person to be who they are without judging them.

You’ll Get Further Developing Rapport And  Positive Relationships 

When you are not in competition with anyone else life is far more beautiful. There’s room for everyone. You’ll discover people who are on the same page and you’ll support each other. It’s absolutely delightful. You can work towards getting great results together.

You can align and attain bigger results more swiftly than you could get working alone. So don’t compete with others. Align with them. Compete only with yourself to be better today than yesterday. That way you grow your awareness, talents and abilities. As you improve things can get easier and you can enjoy more. Evolve yourself and celebrate yourself. Celebrate others. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS Learn to program and direct your mind: Read Life On Your Terms


“Life On Your Terms is one of the best books in personal development published in the last 25 years.” Moe Rock CEO & Publisher Los Angeles Tribune

©2020 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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