“Quite some time ago I was doing okay. Fine, is how I’d describe it. Then some bad things occurred. Then bad things started coming one after the other. I grew concerned. ‘Why all this bad luck? Everything is going wrong! What the heck is going on?’ I promise you I used much stronger language. Everywhere I turned, everything I did or if I didn’t do anything it seemed to only get worse. I complained, I whined, I tried to fix it desperately.
It continued. I questioned god. I blamed god, the universe, myself and others. What the f was going on? At what seemed the worst of it, I gave up. Somehow, I realized I couldn’t change it as I was. I had to change myself. BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT!! I realized it wasn’t something outside of me that was causing this, but it must be something within me. I wasn’t interested in why that may be or why I might be causing it. I wanted to change it.
I realized if it was me doing it, I had to change me so I turned my focus from what was wrong and who might be responsible to what might I do to find relief, make it better and enjoy life more as I’d like it to be. SO, I began reading positive, inspiring material again. Every Morning First Thing. I’d read a page, a chapter whatever I could make work for the day. I committed to thirty days. I read and listened to inspiring audios whenever I could.
During that month ever so slowly, my mindset relaxed and my attitude began to change. Bit by bit. I cautiously began to apply some of the things I was reading about and learning. I felt grateful. I was taking the initiative. I vowed to stay sane and not get carried away or become one of these ‘pink energy bubble’ people I had spent so much time around. I even dated many in years past.
I wanted solid, practical, applicable skills, thoughts, and behaviors that would transform me without me becoming a doe-eyed tree hugger. I didn’t want to become a cosmic cosmonaut with my feet six inches off the ground. Cuz, frankly, I’d been one already. I wanted to live in the everyday world and get some relief from these nagging issues I carried with me, even though I have been a life-long student a
If I had to become a weirdo to be happy then I really wasn’t all that interested. I read things from ancient texts. I read Napoleon Hill again. I’ve read Hill and others most of all my life but had not been keeping up with it during the preceding 18 or so months. It occurred to me that life was pretty good when I kept up with my ‘practices’ but not-so-cool when I went without them.
I read others, anyone, and everyone, who seemed to suggest that there was and is a realistic way to make wonderful things happen without relying on mysticism. I didn’t want to do the ‘other beings’ helping me thing. Frankly, I didn’t want others to do it for me, human or otherwise because I wanted to do it again. What can I say? Those thirty days transformed my life. At the conclusion of the thirty I continued the practice.
I do to this day. I have learned and grown and have seen and understood much. I have much to learn and yet to understand. Life though, is so much more incredible. It’s more incredible than I could’ve ever imagined. I expressed myself through gratitude and joy. I felt confident and successful! I felt happy! It has nothing to do with accumulating things. It’s the depth of the change within me that I value most.
I can enjoy possessions in ways I never did before. I can live with them or without them. I’m excited and eager and enthused in ways I never was before. I live and love living. Really, about all I can say is ‘WOW’! I feel so blessed and so thankful! Before that It was a very difficult time for me as things went from bad to worse. I point this out because it seems this is often the way we come to change ourselves.
I can trace back precisely what the first incident was and then the second that made me begin to realize I needed to approach things differently. Something gets so bad, we bottom out and we say, ‘stop, no more, never again’ and we move into new ways of thinking and being. Every moment of life is amazing EVEN when it appears not to be. Our hardships may be designed to help us change. Think about that.
Perhaps, the reason we face difficulty is because we are basically stubborn and blind to what we need to change and live blissfully. Hardships move us from comfort to a place where change can occur. I’ve done some incredible things in my life, and I got settled and was coasting. I began to take things for granted. It was easy to complain when things started getting tougher. I even enjoyed complaining.
Except when I complained more and more of the joy, goodness and delight left from me. To stop that I learned I needed to put a guard on my thoughts and speech. I AM SO GLAD IT DID!!! Had I kept going as I was going you can bet it would have sucked even more. Fortunately, some glimmer inside me told me to take the driver’s seat of my life again. I’m thrilled, happy and pleased with the journey ever since. Did the skies open and riches rain down on me. Nope. All things take some time. Gradually, though, bit by bit, things got better. And that’s cool. They will for you too. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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