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losers visualize penalities winners rewards

“The question for you now is will you take finally take responsibility for creating the results you want instead of living as if someone else is in charge of them? Will you take control of your own brain?

Well, what will it be? I had to make this decision. What about you?

Once you decide to start to shift your dominant thought balance to the positive then everything changes. You need to keep focused and maintain it. Your life will change for the better because most of your thoughts are better.

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thinking. Wherever you spend most of your time, there you are. Good or bad, positive or negative what your experience is like is completely up to you! Successful and happy people already know and do this.

failure is success in progress

When you finally take control everything does change but it still may take time. How quickly or slowly no one can predict.

I repeat myself, because through repetition we learn and we acquire habits. This is why re-reading is valuable but reading won’t change you. It can stimulate your thinking but it is by what you do that will change you. Success in all areas of your life can be yours.

You WILL have to stick with it awhile. It won’t happen overnight, at least, most probably, it won’t. So stop expecting it to happen fast and expect to be in there a while.

Still, expect it to happen sooner because you are organizing and focusing your energies to make it happen and  still be realistic about it. Everything in its season. Be patient and enjoy the journey.

The point I am attempting to make is yes, expect good, swift, positive results but at the same time plan to stick with it. In order to get and keep the results you want you are changing your life, re-organizing your thoughts, you aren’t dabbling. If you try it and stop you won’t get any further than you get when you quit. If you stay the course your results can be astounding!

success requires mindset

You have to keep the faith and maintain the practice for as long as it takes.  No matter how long it takes  you will go through it better and faster when you know you that you are able  to and you do what you need to.  It will take much longer if you fight it, hate it, mope about it  or cave into it. Again, be patient and enjoy the journey.

As for challenges and obstacles know this: ALL defeat is only temporary when you know that you will ultimately win. Resistance is what makes the kite soar and the airplane rise. Without resistance we wouldn’t grow or develop.

There is a reason for everything even if we don’t understand it. There is hot and cold, night and day, good and bad (judgements) rough and smooth, push and pull. Life is made up of opposites too. So don’t let difficulty concern you.

Sometimes the successful people loose all the money and assets. It is a tough time BUT because of their attitude they know they can build it again. After all they did it before now they may just have to do it again. Attitude IS everything. It matters. Those that fail are those who give up and quit.

garbage in out good decisions

It is time to stop being victim and become the victor. Live with confidence and the ability to learn to make successful changes and you will live powerfully.

Successful people stick with it. They don’t dabble and give up. They set their sights, aim at the target and go for it. They pursue success and they get. So much of it is mind set. They feel they deserve it, they feel success and good things belong to them, they believe they have everything it takes to make things happen. Attitude is everything!

They know their abilities and what they need to do to make things happen. They also know who to align with to create things together that they can do easier when partnered up. (more about this at another time).

There was that moment when finally I realized it was time for me to become the creator of my experience and to assume responsibility for ALL of it not just part of it. I accepted responsibility for the tough times, the easy times, the failures and the successes. Whether it is ultimately true or not I decided to accept responsibility for everything in my life and for the entire path of my life.


It doesn’t matter if this is the way things actually are or aren’t the decision brought me new found power and energy. I discovered that if I acted as if everything that I did or happened to me was a result of me and my thoughts I would make sure I would NOW focus on what I wanted.

No longer would I spend time or energy worrying about what I didn’t have or didn’t want I would steer my mind to what I could do and could accomplish. In my new decision came incredible power and control. I opened a powerful positive doorway and stepped through it.

I also recognized, just like the rich, the powerful, the happy and the successful people that I deserved all the great things in life. I recognize that there is plenty for all, and that I could use my mind and abilities to make my life what I always wanted it to be. I no longer had to live in lack or happiness poverty I could be rich in all ways.

never give up time will pass anyway

AND THAT that blew me away!

It is amazing. An entire new wonderful journey began and I find blessings in every day, come what may. After all it isn’t what happens to us but how we react or respond to what happens to us. As creator of my life if something less than glorious occurs I look for the good in it and how to make the situation better.

I have been training my mind to look for and find the good in everything. I concern myself with solutions rather than the problems and I find I have far fewer problems. There is much more joy, happiness and delight as a result.

If I can do this, and I mean this sincerely, if I am able to do this, ANYONE can!!! Certainly, you can! When it occurs to you that YOU can make your life so much more incredible than you can imagine right now, perhaps then you will do it. It is all up to you and the decision you make.

If you decide not to decide and put it off, or you decide not to, that is fine it is your decision. Things will be as they already are. However, should you decide to take control of your life, your thinking and your feelings, when you change your thoughts your life can change.

If you want your life to change you much change things in your life.”  Rex Sikes

Celebrate this day you have! May you delight and enjoy!

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