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“Why don’t we get things right away? Why do some people give up on their goals during the pursuit? Will we ever make it? You may have questions about succeeding, happiness and your goals. Questions are important. Asking the RIGHT questions is even more important! Some people ask, ‘why do bad things always happen to me?’ or ‘how come things never work out?’ or ‘how long will this take?

Questions put your mind on a search for answers to the questions you asked. Your mind is a servant. It will look for answers to the questions you ask. “Bad things happen because… nothing works out because… it will take a long time because…” What do you really want to know? Asking the right questions to direct your mind properly is an important science and art. It requires taste and wisdom.

Learn to ask questions that direct your mind to find positive answers you can do something about. I introduced Directed Questions™ in the late 70’s, early 80’s to assist you in directing your mind, developing the right attitude and living your life happily and successfully. I want to help you send your mind in the direction that benefits you the most because most people send it in un-beneficial ways.


It’s better to ask, ‘How quickly can I discover myself getting ahead?’ than ‘how long will it take.’ ‘How soon can I find a solution?’ ‘I wonder how delighted I’ll be when I discover things do work out for me in ways I may not, yet understand?’ ‘In how many different ways can I open myself up to all the good things life offers?’ Get the difference? When we drive, we aim the car where we want it to go.

We look in the direction we want to travel in. So, where is it you want to direct your mind to go? Into how big a problem you have or how easily can you find the solution and solve it? It’s a choice. When you understand this and have the good taste to ask for what you want instead of what you don’t, things change. Do you want to know how stupid you are, why you’re fat or how come nothing works out?

Or would you rather know how brilliant you are, how you can maintain your ideal weight, and why good always finds you and comes to you? Your choice. I teach Directed Questions™ in most of my programs. Mind Design™, The Ultimate NLP Home Study Course™ and use them in the brain in training audio, The Attitude Activator™ because it’s important to know how to direct your mind to get results.


You’re already getting results, but they may not be wanted. Would you like to discover an easier, more fun and powerful way to direct your mind to get the results you want, intend and deserve? I’d hope you would. Still, many people know what’s the right thing to do but fail to do it. Hopefully, that’s not you. BUT if it is, there’s hope. It’s important to run your brain properly to achieve your goals and dreams.

You need to look where you want to go. See my previous blog. It’s important to look away from what you don’t want as well instead of focusing on it and attracting it. Otherwise, you get the same old results you’ve wanted to get away from. If you are looking at what you want to get away from, you’re not looking where you must look to get where you want to get. You’re missing out on moving forward.

You can’t get ahead looking behind you. You don’t escape the bear chasing you by turning and looking at the bear. You’d likely trip and that would be the end. You must look where you want to go and move to get there. All my work and these blogs are to assist you in becoming the person you want to become, to help you do what you’d like to be doing so you can get those things you want to have.


Why don’t you get what you want is because you don’t know and or haven’t developed the habit of directing your brain where it needs to go to be, do or have what you desire. You are sending it in the wrong place, looking for the wrong things, focused on the wrong stuff and hoping you’ll get your outcomes. You won’t. If I want to go to NYC but I am heading west, I’m not likely to get there.

It’s going to take a heck of a lot longer and be much more costly. I must first recognize I’m not going towards what I want. I must stop, turn around and move in the correct direction. I must keep going without getting distracted or giving up because I feel it’s taking too long, too much effort, money or willpower. Knowing what to do but not doing it is beyond stupid. Sorry, but true. It wastes time.

Join the countless thousands who’ve transformed their lives by learning how to direct their mind positively, powerfully and productively. Commit to being the best you, you can be. Stop looking in the wrong direction and begin looking in the right one. Transform yourself by the renewing of your mind. You deserve better. Even if things are pretty darn good you can enhance what you do. You can be freer to love more, feel more wonderful, be happier, healthier and wealthier. It’s up to you. Take charge of your mind and you can. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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