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“Why do you keep having the same problem again and again? Believe it or not, it’s because the universe supports you. It keeps giving you the lesson over and over and over and over again until you learn the lesson. Universe or subconscious, it is the same thing.

Your story keeps you doing it over and over again because what you say is what you get. You keep repeating to yourself or others the same old chronic conditioning. You keep living out of your conditioned mind and habitual thoughts and beliefs. It’s the same!

It doesn’t change from day to day. Unless, you actually take responsibility to change it. You aren’t responsible for getting conditioned at an early age. It isn’t your fault. You are responsible for changing it as an adult. As you become aware of it, you can change it.

The First Step In Changing Is Becoming Aware

Some ancients would consider this play the wheel of karma. You repeat it until you get it right. You live out your drama trauma until you say, ‘enough already!’  Then you act to change it. That is what it takes. You have to begin by changing your thoughts and beliefs.

You have to change your story and what you think and say to yourself and others. You have to re-write your history and write a fulfilling future. You need to take charge as the author of your life story and write it as you want it to play out. YOU must do this.

But you say, you have done affirmations. Okay, but what is the preponderance of your thinking like? Is it mostly positive or mostly negative? You must shift the balance. You must tip the scale to mostly positive thoughts and energy. That begins the changes.

Become Aware Of What You Are Thinking And Feeling And …

You can affirm positively. You can affirm negatively. Either way you are still affirming. IS your focus MOSTLY on what you want and what you want to be, do and have? Because if it has been mostly on what you do not want you are affirming that and creating that result.

You need understand this. Then stop and take 100% responsibility for creating everything in your life. The good and the bad is all your doing. Some people balk at this thought. They don’t want to believe that they are accountable for everything. I understand that.

I didn’t want to believe it, either. Who does? Think of it as a mental template to organize your thoughts and beliefs, your feelings and actions, and nothing more than that. It doesn’t have to be true or not true to be effective. Think of it as a useful reframe to guide you.

… Recognize The Law Between Your Mood And Circumstances

Focus on what you want. Find or create a way to make it happen. In doing this you’ll be learning how to manifest those things that you desire and eliminate those you don’t. Let the things you don’t want go. Drop them. Stop affirming them. Stop speaking about them.

Write a different story. Speak a different story. Live a different story. Act as if you are the person you want to be, living the life you want to live. Play that out in your mind. Enhance the positive. Accentuate it. Leave the less than glorious behind. Let that stuff go. Drop it! Drop!!

You don’t have to force the negative to leave. You don’t have to quit them. You don’t have to resist them. You just drop them. Withdraw your attention. Focus on what you want. Ignore what you don’t. Leave the old behind. Move forward with the new. AND be patient.

Everything Shows Up In Your Life To Teach You Something

Just as when you plant a seed it takes time to grow and produce fruit. In the meantime, until you get it, until you learn the lessons, you may keep getting the lessons, the  same circumstances, the same people, continue to show up in your life. It is all a blessing for you.

It is a mirror for you. It is the universe or your subconscious, or god or whatever attempting to get you to know who you are beyond your conditioning.  It will show you your conditioning repeatedly, so you become aware of it so you can drop it. Do you understand this?

It is to help you move into your higher self. To live from a new domain. One that is there PRIOR to your conditioning. Your conditioning, my conditioning, masks who we really are. So it is a pretty good deal when you think about it. It is for our GOOD!

Negative Breeds Negative Thoughts – Positive Breeds Positive

You have infinite intelligence, the entire universe, god or whatever you want to call it, working on your behalf. The goal is to recognize who you truly are! Recognize you are a magnificent creator and attractor. You are the one behind the thoughts. You are behind the thinking  and the feelings. You are the source! Accept it. Live it. Embrace it. Celebrated it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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