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“My post yesterday posited that everything is a blessing. Whether or not that is ‘true’ everything can be viewed as a blessing. It is all about our perception, our mindset and whether that supports us or not. When you fill your being with gratitude, everything transforms.

Gratitude is the fastest and healthiest means of positively changing everything about yourself, and your life, for the better. That means true gratitude. Actually, feeling the feelings. The more we feel deep appreciation, and lasting thankfulness, the more we benefit.

The way to develop gratitude is to begin becoming aware of what things, people, events and circumstances there are in your life, all around you, at any moment, that you can give thanks for. Look around and note them. It doesn’t matter how big or small.

Train Yourself To Look For And Find The Blessing In Everything

Write them down. Keep a daily gratitude journal. List 10 or 25 things each day. While you do, sense the appreciation you have for each. Look back over your life and and connect the dots. You might be grateful for both the good and bad times that brought you to today.

Celebrate the lessons, too. Anything and everything. The more you find that you are already grateful for, the more room you make for more good things in your life. Delight in all. Let go of the negativity and focus on being grateful and positive. Live it up! Live IT up!

Celebrate and be grateful no matter what happens. If you can celebrate tough times, and be thankful, they no longer are as bad. You take the sting and power out of them if you think, ‘hooray, crack out the champagne and let’s celebrate this!’ It is 100% attitude!

Be Different Than Most – Count Your Blessings Not Your Problems

You either are bigger than all of your obstacles and challenges or you are not. Make it a point to be bigger. Be a champion, a winner, a victor. Live like you are! Act like you are! Claim it! Declare it! No matter how bad times are, you are capable to handle them well.

Everything is a blessing is as true today as it was yesterday. Times change. Things get better and things get worse. Everything is still a blessing. Troubled times are a sign that things are changing. Boiling water is always noisiest prior to the rolling boil. Molecules banging.

Things get agitated. Heated up. In our daily lives and all around us. It is all good. It is what it is! When the economy goes bad, many become very rich. It isn’t the times or events that determine the outcome but your attitude. Can you find opportunity in them?

Be Grateful For The Small Things The Big Things And Everything

Make it a point to focus on the blessing. You may not know what is coming next. Expect the best. Expectations shape results. Intend it to be the best. If it isn’t, adjust and continue. Find or create a way to be thankful, to work with what is, and to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

*** Tonight at midnight the price doubles ***  for T. Harv Eker’s Million Dollar Business Secrets program. ***

Go here to get access to this program now.

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To Your Success,


P.S. This special price will only be available until May 10th at 11:59pm Pacific Time. Don’t miss out!

Get the full details here.

I want to see you succeed

The catch is you have to enroll in T. Harv Eker’s Million Dollar Business Secrets program prior to midnight tonight.

Get access to it now!

PS Full disclosure. I get nothing from Harv when you take his free programs or download materials. If you make a purchase I may get a small thank you from his company. I tell you this is to be completely transparent. So you know I COMPLETELY believe in this program or I wouldn’t refer them to you. You can act with confidence!


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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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