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“Always speak only to bless, edify, heal, inspire, prosper, transform and uplift others and yourself. Keep your talk with others and your self-talk positive. Tell your brain precisely what you want it to pay attention to and to give you more of that. Direct it positively by using positive language. Direct it by telling it what you want. This is what affirmations are about. Make the right mental images in your head so your brain knows what you want it to do.

DO it repeatedly until it becomes an automatic habit or second nature. That’s so it is automatic and reliable, and you don’t have to think about it. Then you’ll be creating more of what you want more of the time and less of what you don’t want less of the time. Do you get it? You become what you think about most often! You get what you focus on. What you think about, you bring about. The dog you feed is the dog that lives!

You reap what you sow. You really shouldn’t be surprised or dismayed if you plant images in your head of what you don’t want and then you get that. You should be impressed. You should be excited. You should FINALLY realize how powerful you are. You created and/or attracted something you don’t want. BRAVO. Now flip it. Redirect it. Instead of creating crap, shift and begin creating good stuff. After all, you’re a powerful creator!!


Take control of your mind and behavior. OWN your mind. Run it instead of being run by it. Put a guard before your lips. Use care with what you think, say to yourself and others. Whatever you are thinking about and talking about you are bringing about. You are always creating! You are always attracting. Realize the light from the flashlight illuminates what you point it at. The same is true with your mind and brain. Use it wisely and positively.

If you don’t like what you have, where you are at, your circumstances or the results you are getting, you need to change what you are doing, saying and focused on to get the ones you do want. Don’t delay. Do it today! See how that works? Both sides represented. Always remember to direct your mind toward what you want it to do. Keep it simple. As you would speak to a child; ‘walk carefully’.

You wouldn’t say ‘navigate well the horrendous pitfalls along the walkway maintaining your balance by placing your center of gravity in such a way…’ you would say, ‘walk carefully’, or ‘walk tall’ or ‘stand up straight’ or ‘smile more’ or ‘think happy thoughts’. Keep it simple. Be direct! Be positive. Speak in positive terms. Think positive. Fill your mind and hours with positivity and notice how wonderful your life becomes.


Pay attention and delight in all the good things you notice. Celebrate and be filled with gratitude and your life will become beyond amazing. It is up to you. Consider for example, how incredible can this day be? Then make it an incredible day. Develop your inner power! Learn to manifest your desires! Enjoy prosperity. Join me and my students. Together, we can help you create your best life ever. Learn how to really live. Become fully alive. Live your best dreams! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Act Now!

I’m here to help you awaken so you can experience more joy, more success, better health and more loving relationships. Stop doing it alone. Empty your cup so new goodness can be added to you.

Join me and others. Are you ready to act now? Decide now and click the link below to join me. This amazing program helps you focus your mind, shift to the positive, overcome obstacles and limitations, solve problems more easily, eliminate stress, relax, become more creative, intuitive and connected to higher source to think, feel and act better to get the results you desire. You’ll love it!

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This isn’t just a dream – this is your reality waiting to happen. This is the program that can have you moving forward today!

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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