“Most people look around, see what is happening, and feel something about it in response. They let the present circumstances, people and events determine how they feel. They use their senses as evidence of the results they are getting. They think ‘I will believe it when I see it’.
Somehow they think seeing is not subject to deception but it is. All our senses leave information out, and can distort what is actually there. We trust too much in our perceptions which can be very wrong. They do deceive us often. Looking at circumstances is a mistake when you want to create something. You have to look at what you want to create instead.
For most people life happens to them and they react to it. They react out of habit. As we grew up and life situations were repeated our brains hard wired the responses in. It did it to streamline them. We don’t have much choice. We may be afraid of things we have nothing to fear. Our brains did a marvelous job though. We react similarly in fight, freeze or flight. We react similarly to positive stimuli too.
You are on automatic if when a good thing happens you feel good and when bad things happen and you feel bad. So you break the cycle. Instead of being a victim on automatic and looking around and letting the accompanying feelings dictate what we think, feel and do we NOW add awareness and choice.
Now instead you decide how you want to feel and then you look. In this way you have control. You don’t let the circumstances dictate, instead you choose your feelings and you dictate the circumstances. This is how we create something positive and productive. This is claiming your power.
For most people, maybe you, because you don’t see evidence of wealth you don’t believe it is coming to you. You see only lack, or debt or bills and wonder how you will every get out of it. You worry about it and hope for the best but know it is difficult. This is letting the results or the circumstances dictate your thinking and feeling. Keep in mind that like thoughts attract like thoughts. Birds of a feather flock together. You become what you think about.
You do not get out of debt and become wealthy thinking thoughts about being poor. To see improvement or get wealthy you need to be thinking thoughts or wealth, positive creation, having plenty and feeling grateful. Then you attract those.
This is true about anything you want! You don’t get healthy focused on sickness. You don’t get happy focused on sadness or distress. You don’t relax by thinking thoughts of worry. In order for you to get what you want you need to repeatedly focus on WHAT it is that you want!
It is the reverse that works. This is difficult for most people to understand and accept but it really is the key. Believe it and you will see the evidence. It works in the complete opposite to how we think it does. In order to have it you believe it first and then you will see it.
Everything first exists as a thought. Thought precedes all human action. Nothing that was created by a human came into being prior to thinking it into being. Believing precedes seeing! It is not as we were led to think about it. It is not see it and then believe it it is believe it first and then you will see it. Belief is faith in things unseen otherwise it is not faith at all. Faith and positive expectations make it happen!
So you create it in your mental movie theater. You see what you want to create and what you want to have. You make it vivid and detailed. Writing it down helps clarify. You get real clear about what you want to be, do or have in your life. You focus on it repeatedly, obsessively. You adjust it and enhance it and make it more real and more vivid so that you can taste it! You see it and feel it! Feeling it is important.
You see yourself already being, doing or having what it is you want. You see it already accomplished. It is yours and you are living it. You spend time each day as often as you can reviewing and living this reality. At least five minutes morning and night and any other time. This becomes your preoccupation your dominant thoughts that you think. When you spend this time you want to feel the best feelings! You want to feel how you would feel living this reality!
You have control and are in charge of yourself. Accept the responsibility. Be 100% at cause then the effects (the results) you create are your responsibility. Actually they always already were. You are always creating but you may not have liked the results you were getting. Now you take deliberate charge of the creation process and create what you DO want. YOU make it happen!
You stay focused on your mental movies. You think the best positive thoughts throughout the day. You use your feelings as a signel for when you are on target and aligned. If you feel less than glorious it means somewhere inside you you are off track so find ways to make yourself feel better. They goal is to spend as much time each day feeling good.
Use the signal of your feelings to adjust. When you are feeling good you are on target with your goals and desires. You are manifesting good things when feeling good. Stay focused on gratitude in the past and present. Be grateful for everything, celebrate.
Learn from mistakes, and be grateful you can learn and grow. Fill your mind with positive inspirational material, books and audios. Hang around with positive productive people who are making their dreams come true. Become a positive powerful creative force and have fun and delight in all of it. Celebrate. Embrace it and relax. ENJOY!
Remember you are in charge of your vibrations. Whatever you put out in the universe you get back more of the same. Like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together. The reason you do not have more is because you look around, see what you have and what you don’t and feel bad. You attract more of the same lack and poor feelings.
When you use your eyes to determine your situation you are creating more of the same. You look at your present and accept it as your lot. You think I am tired of this, I want more I don’t want to be poor but you do not create wealth and well being by attracting more of what you do not want.
In order to attract wealth and well being you have to feel wealth and well being. You have to spend time feeling it! Feel wonderful and enjoying having wealth and well being and in response you attract more of the same. This is what your inner movie theater helps you do. You think it, see it, create it in your mind and have the feelings of what you want.
You see it and enjoy the feelings. Savor the feelings and do this repeatedly. Keep doing it. Your thoughts, feelings and words all congruently align with your desires. You stop resisting and you start making happen what you want to happen. You end the inner conflict, you end the mixed results and you start getting what you want. You attract resources, other people and situations.
You attract more abundance, more delight, more well being because like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together. You will reap whatever you have sown. What are you currently sowing? If you are focused on less than glorious circumstances and lack of wealth and well being you will get back much more of the same. Focus on what you really, really want instead. Make that happen. Create it!
Keep your vibrations high. Keep them positive, joyful, glorious and you will have everything you want. Don’t dig up the seeds to insure they are growing. Forget looking at the current results. Have faith that what you plant you will reap. YOU WILL! Believe it and eventually you will see it! Everything takes time so during the time it takes focus on what you want.
Don’t seek evidence that what you are doing is working accept that it is and move forward. If you compare how far away you are from where you want to be you interrupt the process and get the mixed results. THIS is what you have always already been doing in the past. You have been looking for evidence. STOP IT! Believe and you will ultimately see. It may be hard at first but it gets easier and easier.
You open the way to have more because you enjoy and are thankful for all things. You sow you reap. You are where you thoughts have brought you. You will be where your thoughts take you. It is time to take charge of your thoughts. Your future you will some day be your present. What do you want that present to be? Create it now!
Your feelings are your guidance system. If you feel less than glorious your thinking is less than glorious. If you are feeling wonderful your thoughts are positive and productive. Follow your bliss and bliss will fill you. You have no excuse you have created your life as it is. Accept it! That is the most powerful moment you can have.
That moment when you totally and completely get it and accept that you are 100% responsible for everything in your life. is the moment your life can completely change. Yes, things happen from the outside but you react to them automatically. You have been making choices. You can’t escape your responsibility in all of this. You shouldn’t want to. The moment you completely accept it is the moment you begin to transform everything! It is your choice.
You accept and embrace your role as creator, you acknowledge that you have been good at creating what you don’t want, or mixed results and now you aim your creative powers at creating everything you do want. THIS is a powerful freeing moment! This is the start of a wonderful new way to be in the world. Reclaim you power and aim it productively. Don’t delay. Begin making your dreams come true this very moment.” Rex Sikes
This can be the start of a very good new day!
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I can’t agree more and can’t think of a better idea to use as we start 2015. Thank you so much for the reminder that every one of us has control of the quality of life we live. It’s simply matter of using that control in the right way. Happy New Year
Reblogged this on dawns1215's Blog.
thanks for reblogging Dawn! that is so kind and awesome of you!
Thanks so much Joe for taking the time and effort to comment. You have an incredible blog and I appreciate your work and writing so much. Thanks for sharing here!