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horizons hidden-valley-phil-koch

“You are not your thoughts. None of us are. We forget that. That is an issue for us. We can watch our thoughts. We can control and manage our thoughts but we are not the thoughts we think. We are beyond our thoughts. We are influenced by our thoughts.

The person who thinks s/he is from mars we call crazy or insane. We don’t believe the person. We say they have a thought disorder. Doctors identify numerous thought issues. This should tell us something important. Not about the doctors but about us.

We can think supportive thoughts or non-supportive thoughts. We are affected by thoughts we think. We  respond to our thoughts with feelings. Our feelings determine our actions. This is all learned. This is all habitual. You had to learn to think. You had to learn language.

We Become What We Think About Repeatedly

At birth it is unlikely you thought, ‘wow, I made it’. Even if it is true you made it. You grew up learning words and thoughts from the people around you. You learned good and bad, right and wrong. You learned to identify with these concepts, and other concepts, too.

Limitations you may have only occur in your thinking. This is true for all of us. We are not the limitation. Our shabby thinking is. This is great news because we can change our thinking. Perhaps, not over night but we can recondition ourselves to think supportive thoughts.

Beliefs are only thoughts we repeatedly think through time. We can change our thinking the same way we learned it. We expose ourselves to positive, productive, supportive thoughts and we repeat this for a long enough period of time. We replace thoughts.

What You Focus On Expand – Thoughts Are Things

The knack to transforming is to not believe the BS you already believe. Don’t buy into perceived negative limitations. No you can’t fly that is another disorder. You can make positive changes. You are a resourceful person. You can learn to do most anything in life.

Continue exploring these blog pages on how you can do this. It is filled with principles and practices to help you more easily and readily make the changes you desire to make. Gratitude is a powerful way to begin to transform. Practice it and you will change your thinking. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Make today a great day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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