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“Gratitude and Receptivity open up doorways. It seems magical but it does work. Electricity works. Most of us use it without understanding how it works. Feeling grateful and receptive work at the subconscious level and we don’t need to know how in order to develop a winning unstoppable attitude. We do it and it works.

Imagine you plant a garden. It is your responsibility. You are the caretaker. You prepare the soil this is important. You plant the seeds that you want to cultivate later. You tend to them by making sure it they are nourished.

If it doesn’t rain you add water, you rid the garden of weeds and pests. You step back and let nature take its course. Somethings are not in your control. You don’t dig it up to make sure they grow. You don’t even grow them, they grow all on their own accord.

You don’t tell the seeds or the garden what to do or how to do it because you can’t.  You let go and trust. The caretaker knows this. The caretaker does what the caretake is supposed to do; plant seeds and maintain the healthy environment so they can grow. Then the caretake waits patiently and expectantly.

There are NO guarantees. There are only the laws of nature. You did what you could do. You did your part and then you let go. You expect to reap in given time. Nature takes care of all the rest. It works on it’s own. You cooperate and work with it. Then it will gift you with the results because that is what it does.

Harvest comes and you reap what you sowed. You get back more than you planted because each plant gives rise to more fruit. The harvest is bountiful. You enjoy the rewards of your efforts. You did what you could to make it happen. Nature took care of the rest. You can’t push nature. You don’t make it grow nature does that!

You can’t push receiving either. You can’t dictate how it ought to be. You only make yourself available. You do what you do each day. You celebrate! You appreciate! You think and feel your best! You develop positive habits and you persist in your practice without giving up or giving in to negativity. Do your part and nature does hers! Remember, YOU can’t push a rope!

Nature is your subconscious! You cooperate with your own mind, your subconscious. You plant the positive seeds through visualization and affirmations with strong feelings of  gratitude and celebration. You imagine the harvest as if you already received it and feel these incredible feelings each day, each time you think it.

Through daily repetition you care for these and help them grow. You do your part your subconscious will do the rest. You do the positive work and your subconscious will make it a great habit.You stay open to receiving the harvest in time and you will reap what you sowed.

You plant the images but you don’t dictate the manner in which your dreams come true. You remain open to any and all possibilities. This is what it means to be receptive. You allow whatever the positive results will be to develop without micromanaging. You did your part now let ‘nature’ do hers. Simply expect good and great results!

Manage your mental bank balance so it never goes into the negative. Your part is to manage your thoughts and feelings and maintain  a positive mental balance to keep this everything in YOUR favor. This is an important part of how it all works! You stay positive and repeat your practices daily while trusting you will get back the best.

Get out of your own way. Stop trying to make things happen or force results. Allow yourself to receive. Accept, appreciate, and become a good receiver. Do this and you enter the ‘zone’. You create FLOW. Good things flow to you and through you because of what you set in motion, maintain, and allow yourself to get back more of!” Rex Sikes

Continued in next blog post: Part 2

Make it a fabulous day!

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