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“You can be, do and have anything you desire. You have incredible power, infinite possibilities, opportunities and resources within you. While it is alleged and may be clear to many there are those who don’t want you to know this and more importantly, they don’t want you to ever access this power within. Remember, it is ‘from within to without’ but they want you to think otherwise.

It is alleged that they contaminate the food supply with chemicals and harmful preservatives to prevent you from reaching your true potential. It’s alleged they want people to be on all manner of medicines for the same reason. This doesn’t mean you should not take medicines but to be aware of how others seek to prevent you from maximizing your potential. You are incredible.

But the ‘ruling classes’ have never wanted the rest to be able to compete with them. This is the reason for the great disparity between the ‘privileged’ and the ‘worker bees.’ They want and need the worker bee. This has been a long tradition of inter-marrying rulers from ancient times. They marry within privileged families and fraternize with others of their kind. It continues today.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™.

THAT said, they don’t want you to discover how incredible you are. There are many teaching and promoting self-improvement, big names, that got it wrong for similar reasons. Some are misinformed, others don’t want you to succeed. While this is the way things may be it does not mean you can’t rise above, discover your true Self and create the life you want and deserve.

You are a vibrating broadcasting system. This is science. It isn’t a question of faith or ‘out there’ magick. It is validated. We are energy. We vibrate. We vibrate at different frequencies. In order to create what we want we need to vibrate at high, optimistic, positive, feeling good frequencies. We need to feel wonderful most of the time. So, it’s important to manage your thoughts and feelings,

It’s important to eat the best you can. Drink pure water and stay hydrated. Don’t abuse substances. Be aware of what you put in your body. It’s important to get proper exercise and rest. It’s important to notice when you are feeling down because it is an indication your thinking is pessimistic, negative or focused on what you do not want. You become what you think about.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™.

Your body mirrors what is going on inside. Again, this is science. You can find volumes of research pointing this out. If you want to be better, feel better, behave better and get better results your attitude and mindset are the crucial components. You must manage your attitude and mindset to feel the very best. AND you must feel your very best to think your very best. Awareness matters.

If you abuse yourself or allow others to deceive you, you will not reach your inner potential and power. They want you to focus on what you can do to have all the things you think you want so that you ultimately feel better. Work really hard to buy all these shiny objects and then you’ll feel happy and successful. There are enough people who’ve tried this to know it is not true.

Many get what they want through hard work and sacrifice only to realize things don’t fulfill them. It isn’t in the thing. It is in who you are. If they can keep you from realizing this AND if you keep yourself from realizing this then you lose out. You miss. They are happy and you are not. The good news is YOU can have anything you want but you must transform YOURSELF FIRST.

THEN, who you are can and will appreciate the things acquired. THEN, you will do the RIGHT actions that bring you what you desire. When you learn how important it is to fine-tune your attitude and mindset and ACTUALLY DO IT then everything opens up to you AS IF by magic, but it isn’t. It is science. It is the way things work. Some know this. Many do not. You must.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™.

If you want to become the kind of person for whom manifesting Good is automatic, reliable and a subconscious habit that’s always available then you must make some changes. You cannot continue down the path you are on thinking you are on a different path. You must get on the path of positive creation and attraction. You must change what you focus on. Awareness matters.

You need to learn how to manage your vibrational frequency to become the person who is unconsciously competent as a positive manifest. YOU are already unconsciously competent at manifesting what you already have done. Many, perhaps you, are great at manifesting crap or so-so. It’s time to become a master manifestor of the goodness you want to create.

You need training. You need to train your subconscious mind. You need to spend time in the conscious competence phase correctly training your subconscious to shift gears. Otherwise, you will only get what you’ve already got. Within you is so much powerful, positive creative energy you can’t even begin to imagine yet. Tap into it and everything can change easier than you think.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™.

Your mission is to transform who you are. You are not adding to you. You are releasing all that stands in the way of you being your true Self. Others may want to prevent you from discovering yourself and using your powers but it appears their hold on the people is eroding. People are beginning to wake up. Hopefully, that includes you. Be, do and have anything you want!

You can’t continue down the wrong road thinking you are on the right road to get to the destination you hope to arrive at. The destination you set is important but more important is the journey. You must journey wonderfully well to arrive at the destination and be delighted. Transform yourself by the renewing of the mind.

You must put new wine into new wineskins; you don’t add the new to the old. You make a change. Get this? It’s time to properly train your subconscious mind to deliver what it is you want INSTEAD of delivering to you the conditioned habits learned long ago and constantly reinforced by the world and your own present mindset. No train. No gain. Don’t let whatever reasoning, excuses, blames and habits hold you back from moving within and becoming the awesome you you already are. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes


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©2022 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2022 Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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