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“You always have choice. You do. You can choose to think, feel, say or do something or choose not to. Most people don’t realize this because from habit they react. They remain victims of their neural wiring. Therefore, they perpetuate their conditioning and keep doing the same things again and again. Their thoughts are mostly the same. They feel mostly the same feelings.

Their days are similar from one to another. They speak the same things, with the same people and act as they always do. BUT it doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn to choose to respond. Most won’t. Most will think they are doing things differently, but they deceive themselves. All they really need to do is take an honest look at themselves and the results they keep getting.

If that applies to you it is time to change. Will you? That’s the question. OR will you continue thinking you are doing new things. We deceive ourselves because we don’t want to be wrong. It’s almost an innate quality. We must be right. That’s why when we lose everything in hardship or tragedy, we become more receptive to change.

It hurts so much we want to escape and are more willing to do things differently. Many people transform this way. They hit bottom and decide then they’d better make changes.I’d like to suggest you change before hitting the bottom. That said, people still won’t embrace the idea they can change now and will wait again until things turn bad. A tendency of most humans.

It’s part of our conditioning. Challenges will always be there, and we can grow despite them. Things just happen. Unexpected things happen. They will keep happening. We need to learn we’ve choice The choice is yours about what you will think, feel and do when things go south. Some expected things loom on the horizon. There may be good times or difficult times ahead.  Someone said, ‘worry is praying for things we don’t want’. Another said, ‘worry is negative planning and rehearsal.’

Stop it. Complaining and whining only bring us more less-than-glorious thoughts and feelings. Change! Why? Because if you do what you have already done over and over you don’t change, you only continue to think, feel and do exactly what you don’t want to do. You repeat those things you wish you didn’t have to. AND you don’t have to if you understand you can choose to be different.

To do this you must decide not to continue in the old ways. You just stop doing them. Your life can change in an instant. You are one decision away from transformation. If you don’t know the power of making a positive permanent decision, then you don’t know the power. Yet. You could. It depends on what you do in the next moment. It is your choice.

DO what you’ve always done or decide to be different and do better things better. Get it? Dog shit or Diamonds. It is your choice! IT’S ALWAYS YOUR CHOICE! Every single moment of every single day. It may seem difficult at first to make a new, more positive choice but that’s only a habit rearing its head again. You’re not used to making this kind of choice.

If you want to get better at it and have it get easier you must start somewhere AND the more positive decisions you make the easier it becomes and the better you get. People need to practice making good decisions that help them live the life they want. Don’t wait until tragedy or desperation to make things better. Make them better before they get worse.

Instead of worrying about things getting worse, plan to make them better. Either way you are using your imagination. One hurts and does not help. The other provides help and a positive path to take. BOTH are rehearsal. Which you choose, matters. Most will read this and remain the same. Far fewer will start to do something positive for themselves. What you do is what you do.

The results you get will depend on what you do. So, what will you do? Only you can decide. No one can do it for you, but you. Dog shit or diamonds. You are accountable and responsible for the results you get. It’s your choice. I hope you get this. It matters. Life can be so much more wonderful even during massive hardship when you understand that your mindset makes the difference in how you go through it. Get it? Choose to change your thoughts and you can transform your life. The first step in the journey of 1000 miles begins within you. The next step is on the earth. Decide. Join me and make your life more amazing, delightful and incredible. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.” William James

“I’ll be blunt: I’m very disappointed that these secrets are available. I think buying this material should be treated like buying hand guns: You should have to fill out forms and get checked out first to see if you’ll use this wisdom for good or evil. I’ve NEVER seen such powerful techniques or insights. The average psychologist, cold reader, magician, or mentalist doesn’t know these “beyond secret” methods. You could start a cult with this! Far too powerful to be released publicly. Please take your Ultimate NLP Home Study Program package off the market—especially now that I own it.” –Joe Vitale –  Author, 2000

I am smiling and my heart is beating a little bit faster now, Rex. We go all the way back to the last century and me finding my way in many ways at that point. You helped me during that point because I learned NLP, and some of the communication material came from you. I was sitting at your feet and learning how to apply it in my life and career.

Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

You sent me cassettes Rex way back in the 1990s, and these were cassettes on communication and NLP. And we had exchanged some things and we had talked and you were very kind to me and very generous with me. I religiously listened to everything I am always studying, always growing, always working on myself and maybe even more intensely back then. Thank you Rex!Joe Vitale -Author, appeared in ‘The Secret’, 2022

Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

“I give this course a massive thumbs up! And to put it into perspective I was already an NLP trainer when I came across this course some years back and I was blown away by the content in it and the way it is taught. Rex really knows his stuff and the content is amazing. But it! I mean every word.” Barry Neale – NLP trainer 2021

“My personal development journey took a turn for the better back in 1996 when I was fortunate enough to be trained and mentored by Rex Steven Sikes. It’s been my ongoing wish that Rex would put his personal and professional development insights, his unique accelerated learning techniques, and basic to advanced mindset strategies (what he’s rightfully termed Mind Design™) into a book. He’s finally done it and he’s held nothing back. Rex equips you with everything you need to live a more empowered life… He was the first person to really challenge me with the idea that to change my life, I had to change myself first. His concept of 100% Self-responsibility has served me so much in my life, it’s now the cornerstone of all my training and coaching as well. He states, “When you accept full responsibility for everything going on, you begin to access your inner strengths and power. When you accept responsibility your mind begins to look for solutions because you are responsible.” Bottom line: I’m a better coach, trainer, entrepreneur, husband, and parent because of Rex.”Joe Soto – International Marketing Coach

“I am beyond happy to call Rex Sikes my mentor and friend. (Yesterday he was was kind enough to be my Valentine’s too lol) seriously though. I’m so happy to have invested into his NLP home study course. Which he has taught many successful people in the past 40 years. Here’s a testimony from Joe Vitale from the movie the secret. If anyone is interested in joining the course. Please feel free to reach out to me.” Lynn Serrano – TV host, 2022

Transform your life ENROLL IN The Ultimate NLP Home Study Course™ Today 

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©2022 Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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