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Anyone who tells you that you can create abundance lies! Either they are deliberately lying to you or they are misinformed. You cannot create abundance. The notion is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! You have been duped, if you think you can.

Abundance is our natural state. It is the condition of the universe we are all born into. You cannot create abundance. You can demand it, declare it, intend it, accept it, allow it, invite it, and resist it but you cannot create something that already is! However, you do create.

You create limitations. You create resistance. You create not having. You create excuses, whines and blames. You create reasons and needs and wants. Consider this. The universe already is abundant. That IS what the universe IS. According to this you have everything.

The Secret To Having It All Is Believing You Already Do

You already have everything you want and need. However, if you don’t have it in your physical reality THAT is an indication you are resisting having it. What resists persists. If you don’t have money and wealth now, then somehow you are resisting it.  Get it?

It is already there for you. Perhaps, you haven’t declared it, or allowed it or accepted it or received it. You resist having it or you would already have it. This is great news because it begins to inform you what you need to to enjoy what you already have.

Your wanting and needing it may be pushing it away. Your doubt, worry, fear, sadness, anger depression, may be  keeping it from you. Abundance is yours already. If you don’t have what you desire, perhaps, you have to let go of that which keeps it away. Let it go!

You Tune Into Abundance – You Don’t Acquire Abundance

Drop it and allow. Celebrate having it. Appreciate having it. If you really did have it you would feel good about it, wouldn’t you? For you to ‘manifest’ it in the here and now you ought to be feeling good; as if you already have it. Act As If! Celebrate and enjoy. Give thanks.

We give thanks for what we have! When you give thanks you allow room for more. You act generously, too. That doesn’t mean you have to give away your last dollar bill. It means you think and act more generously. Maybe you tip larger or compliment more frequently.

Happiness doesn’t come to those who aren’t happy! Happiness comes to those who celebrate life. It IS the journey not the destination. Abundance in all things IS already yours. Why live as a pauper? Live as if in the garden of paradise. Make your life grand.

Abundance Is A Celebration Of Life – Celebrate Everything

Don’t wait. Celebrate now. Stop resisting. Start living. Live fully. Allow, accept and enjoy! Encourage and give. Act like one who has it and you will discover the many more ways you already do have it. AND you will get more of it. Delight. Live joyously! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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