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“To create, attract and become what you want to be, do what you want to be doing and have what you’d like to have focus your energy like a laser beam. Make it on concentrated, active and vibrating fully. To bring things about you must go from it’s not possible to it is possible. From possible you must move into I can do it. From I can do it to I will do it. Then you must do it.

Get it. Stop wasting time on distractions. You must be uncomfortable enough leave your comfort zone and to keep moving forward. People will remain in their comfort zone no matter how painful it is. Why? Because it is what is familiar and that’s more comfortable and habitual than the unknown. People crave change but fear moving into new things. You must move and keep moving.

The reason people don’t get what they want is because they make their comfort more important that their deep inner authentic definite chief purpose. The result is they stay where they are and remain comfortable but they don’t fulfill their purpose. Then they whine and complain but that still is more comfortable than leaving it behind. You must be willing to move from comfort to discomfort.


That’s why we have struggles and unwanted circumstances. They almost force us to do something other than what we are doing. We think they are against us but in truth they help us to positively change and transition into new ways of being IF we recognize this. If we accept that these uncomfortable moments, events, circumstances and people are there for are good we can transform.

If you want to get your deepest desire you must not be distracted by less important things that you make more important than what is truly important in you. Did you get that? Read it again. You must be willing to change habits. Focus on your purpose and be willing to go for it. Then go for it! Remember, a big flame burns a lot. A little flame burns a little. Stay focused on your passion purpose.

Develop the discipline to reject the distractions, excuses, complaints, and negativity. Focus on your purpose. Create positive, powerful, optimistic, wonderful feelings. Feel these. Feel the feelings as you imagine living your purpose. Your subconscious is driven by feelings. NOT by logic, words, or pictures or anything else. FEELINGS run the show. Spend your days doing things that make you feel good.


That doesn’t mean not pursuing your goal by indulging in distractions. It means concentrating your efforts on raising your vibrations. DO things that make you feel loved and loving towards others. Smile and laugh more. Skip and dance. Take a nice bath or get a massage. Exercise. Take care of yourself. Manage your mind set. Read and listen to inspiring material that keep you focused on your purpose.

Feel optmistic and positive. Take steps towards fulfilling your purpose no matter how small. Keep moving forward bit by bit. Keep you’d mindset positive and focus your attention. Energy and power flows where your attention goes. Muhammed Ali didn’t allow his feelings of not wanting to train prevent him from becoming a champion. He left that comfort zone and moved.

He was able to get off the couch and train because he emphasized the feelings of being a world champion. Those feelings and being a world champion were more important to him than not wanting to train. He rejected being momentarily comfortable for being a champion. A champion trains so that’s what he did. He didn’t let the feelings of discomfort talk him out of training. Most people will.


If you want to be the best, act like the best. Let go of everything which doesn’t serve your purpose. Accentuate everything that serves you purpose. Accentuate the positive and eliminate all else and the negative. Yes, this runs counter to everything you’ve been conditioned to accept and believe. It runs counter to all you have already been doing to make it happen. Become it and you’ll do and have it. More next time. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


You’ll find more great ideas and help when you read Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want  It’s a life changer!

Get your copy today! Get some for family, friends and others. It makes a great gift!



“One of the best books in personal development published in the last 25 years.” – Moe Rock CEO & Publisher Los Angeles Tribune
“This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host
“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate 
“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms.


©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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