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“Many people want many things. Do you? Health, wealth happiness is what most people want. The big top three. Would it surprise you that while some do a lot to have those, many do next to nothing? They want them, but don’t do anything to get them. Silly, right?

Do you? Here’ s an important concept. You must know what you want, to begin getting it. You can’t waffle. You need to get clear. You have to aim at the bullseye on the dart board to hit it. Then you’re more likely to score one. Know and aim at what you want.

That said, you need to do something every day to get it. You must move toward it and away from not having it. You need to inch your way closer bit by bit. Many give up if there’s too much to do, or they think it’s too hard. Make it easy! YOU can do this. Do it in bits!

To Get What You Want – Stop – Stop Doing What Isn’t Working

How to know what to do comes from having the right mindset. Knowing why you want it IS more important than how to get it! Yes, that seems counterintuitive, but it is true. The BIG WHY you want it motivates you to get it. It’s the power that drives you. Get it?

Wanting it is not enough. WHY do you want it? What will having it make you feel? How will things improve? How will life be different? See it, hear it, feel it, as if you already have it! Some people know why so much they can smell and taste it. WHY drives you to get it!

99% of getting it, is knowing why, and developing the right attitude, the powerful beliefs you can and will get it, and the feeling of certainty, and joy, that comes with thinking right. 99% of getting it is the result of correct thinking. 1% of getting it is what you do or how.

Right Mindset – Feelings And Right Actions Lead To Right Results

People spin their wheels by doing the 1% actions, 100% of the time. They think they need to know how to get it before they act. They think: if they do it, and get it, life will improve. Once they have it their mindset and feelings will change. This puts the cart before the horse.

Your positive mindset comes first. It’s the 99%. Your actions, and the how, are the 1%! You don’t have to know how first. You can’t know! You can’t see around the corner. You can’t see over the hill. Knowing what to do comes from doing things, and experimenting. Get this!

Develop the proper mindset. Get your attitude right. Know the big why and feel good about having it. Then take steps toward getting it. Take some action, ANY action, toward getting it. Do something. Yes, you’ll make mistakes. Correct the mistakes and move again. Get it?

If You Always Do What You’ve Done You’ll Only Get What You Got

You screw it up when you first get consumed with the what and how. You’ll miss if you get busy with the 1% instead of letting the 99% that guides you. You may be active but aren’t making progress. Develop the right mindset and the how comes naturally.

It’s like being stuck in the mud or snow. Your tires are spinning but you’re not making contact or any forward movement. Concentrating on the how instead of the why is a mistake. You want your feelings upbeat, positive and powerful, not frustrated and concerned.

I hope you get this! The how comes naturally when the 99% is right. The Wright Brothers did NOT know how to fly until after they flew. Prior to that moment they were experimenting, making mistakes and corrections. All the while they kept faith! They were certain.

If You Truly Want Something You Will Find The Way 

When your mindset is right you feel good. You think better and you take the right inspired actions. Then that 1% becomes powerful and productive in moving toward getting your dreams and goals. Mindset first! Mindset not activity! Mindset. Attitude is everything!

In these blog pages, and in my programs, I share how to develop a powerful mindset that serves you the best. You get principles and practices to use daily to improve yourself, and your life, and help you get the results you want. Life is incredible. I hope you discover that!

You have to do it. I can’t, nor can anyone else, do it for you. You have to take the steps to improve your attitude. Gratitude is a great way to begin! Begin now and your entire world can change. Drop by drop the tub fills. When you have the right mindset, you trust.

If You Want Your Life To Change You Must Change Some Things

You know everything you need to make your dreams comes true will open up and become available to you as long as you do the ‘right something’ everyday towards getting it. You can’t sit wishing and wanting. That’s not the proper use of mindset or knowledge.

First, develop the proper, powerful and positive mindset. Then you’ll vibe high and feel your best, confident and positive and joyful. Because of right thinking, and feeling, you’ll take the right inspired actions each day that move you closer, step by step. It’s true!

These actions come from thinking and feeling your best. Because of  this process; right thinking, right feeling, and right action you skyrocket the results you get! You stop wasting time being stuck and spinning your wheels. You overcome limitations that hold you back!

Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right 

You move forward. You create and live your best life daily! You enjoy and delight moment to moment. It all becomes a wonderful adventure. Stop getting hung up on annoying little things.  Powerfully resolve the large issues. Get this! You want to spend more time enjoying the moments you have! Don’t delay. Begin now. If you want help I’m here for you. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philadelphia, PA

“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA


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Enroll In Mind Design™  Click link for details! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too! Get it? Ask for information today!

Enroll In Mind Design™  Life can be easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

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