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“It’s said there’s a conspiracy to keep you thinking slow and feeling low. Every moment, each day, you and I get blasted by bad news. Attention to reported current events deplete our energy distracting and keeping us off base. We suck for it. We feel stressed and bad.

Our food’s contaminated. It’s laced with pesticides; hidden harmful ingredients to keep shelf life high and make us want to consume more. It’s done for profit with little care for health or safety. There are GMOs and poor quality processed food. It’s hard to get quality.

Water’s contaminated. Air polluted. Our inner environment quality less than desirable with off gassing carpet and wood glues, particle board, poor quality materials, microwaves, cellular and WIFI, electromagnetic contamination, blue light, computers, phones etc.

Be The Best Version Of You – What You Focus On Expands

This is why it’s important to care for yourself! Eat right. Sleep right. Get fresh air. Exercise. Take care of your body AND your mind! Read, watch and listen to inspirational and motivational material daily. Visualize attaining your goals. Affirm the positive. Get it? DO IT!

This is the secret. It’s ideal to vibe high! It’s important, and desirable, to feel your finest. Embrace, and live from, your most incredible, fantastic energy NO matter what the circumstances. There are many elements working against you to keep you down. Rise above!

Be at cause in life, not at effect. Be a victor, a champion, not a victim . Focus on the best not the worst. 24/7 you’re surrounded by the less than glorious. It’s up to you to do your best, and create for yourself, create the glorious. Do it. Surround yourself with upbeat people.

Don’t Fear The Enemy That Attacks You – Be The Victor 

Attend positive workshops and seminars; live events and online. Think and speak only to bless, heal, inspire, motivate, prosper and transform. High vibe in spite of what is going on! Maintain your attitude and positive feelings regardless of the circumstances.

Don’t let what’s going on daily affect your mood or your emotional state. Feel the very best! Get it? Maintain your positivity and feel good. Your daily practice in mastering the basics is important so you stop buying into your problems and those of others. Uplift yourself.

Stop allowing yourself to be brought down by people and events surrounding you. Maintain your energy, your state, your clarity. Live from your heart! Vibe high. Feel marvelous. The world around you isn’t very supportive so it’s up to you. Only you can make it better.

When You Feel Your Best Everybody Else Can Feel It Too – Rise Up

You, and I, must put ourselves at cause. Rise above the elements,  events and people who would bring us down. When you’re thinking and feeling slow and low you aren’t effective, productive or manifesting your best. You’re ALWAYS manifesting, so be careful.

Manifest only the best. Stop perpetuating and contributing to the worst! Only you can do this. Master the basic principles and practices for creating your best life ever. Maintain and nurture your own being. Help uplift others. Life will be much better!

When feeling down, one of the best things you can do is help another person feel better. It helps them and you. Help an animal. Spend time with a child or beloved pet. Work in the garden. Make it your practice to VIBE high throughout your day. Every moment!

Everything Is About Energy – Everything Is Energy – Vibe High

Stop getting sucked in and brought down. Look for, and live with, gratitude. Feel it! Express it. Gift yourself in small, positive, healthy ways. Take a bath. Have some tea. Get a massage. Take a stroll. Listen to some inspiring music. Spend time in a beautiful spot. Delight!

Meditate. Become stress free so you enjoy more life each day. Each moment feel wonderful. Live large. Live well. Love and laugh more. Feel relaxed and peaceful. After all, isn’t this what you really want to do? Okay, then. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA

“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philidelphia, PA


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Enroll In Mind Design™  Life can be easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

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