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“A good habit is to put on positive, inspirational and motivational audios whenever you are driving. It is a great opportunity to feel great, drive safe and learn something of value. Use your time wisely. I hope you enjoyed my audio blog in the last post.

If you haven’t yet listened, be sure to take some time. Today, why not focus on giving to yourself unconditionally. Gift yourself. Accept yourself. Shower yourself with love. Unconditional love. Feel it. Embrace it. You deserve it. If you don’t feel you do, you need it.

Forgive yourself, if you feel you must. Most people have conditions and limits on their love. We don’t have to, but we do. We grew up and learned to behave in certain ways. We learned to feel certain ways about ourselves. We believe ourselves to be certain ways.

Love Is The Absence Of Judgement – Unconditional Love Gives

It is time to let go of that previous conditioning. The way to do it is to treat yourself in loving ways. Be gentle. Be kind. Be open to who you are, and what you think and do, without judgement. Let go of your judgements. Most of them came from other people, anyway.

You are not your thoughts. You are not necessarily who you think you are. In reality you are awesome! You are a resourceful, intelligent, capable, powerful person. You may not have thought so but you are. You are a being of light and goodness. Accept it.

Let your light shine. Reveal yourself to yourself. Allow, accept, and receive yourself. Treat yourself special today. Do something nice for you. Think nice thoughts about yourself. Take yourself out for a good time, a special treat. Go first class if you are able. Treat yourself well.

The Measure Of Love Is To Love Without Measure  Unconditionally

Be glad. Be thankful you are who you are. Enjoy and feel lucky to be you.  Appreciate all of your experiences in shaping you. You have come a long way no matter how old or young. You are a person of great value. Love yourself without limitations. Celebrate yourself. Be filled with gratitude. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Find out how wonderful you are today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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