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“There are plenty of distractions in life. Media, social media, gossip, circumstances, events, people and more. Our attention shifts moment to moment. Perhaps, as never before in history, our minds are fractionated and led this way and and that every few seconds.

Films, television, music video, the news shifts focus and directs our attention quickly. We never get to settle on any subject of shot for long before it is replaced.. Reading and handwriting are becoming lost arts. Is it any wonder people have difficulty paying attention?

We have been trained out of concentrating and focusing for any length of time. Yet, that is precisely what we must do in order to create. Students have difficulty sitting still and concentrating ins school as a result. Adults too. They are medicated instead of trained.

F.O.C.U.S. Means – Follow One Course Until Successful – Do It

You can’t be going this way and that when you want to manifest your dreams. You must have purpose, clarity of purpose, and single mindedness. If you conceive it and believe it you can achieve it but to do so requires you put your attention, thoughts and energy into it.

People give up and move on too quickly. We’ve been conditioned out of staying with something long enough to master it. Online articles are filled with pop-ups and videos. All bright shiny objects to capture your attention, but they do harm. You lose your ability to focus.

If you can hold it in your head, you can one day hold it in your hand. The trick is holding it in your head. You must keep seeing it in your minds eye. You must stick with it. Concentrate on it and become passionate about it. You determine to make it happen. You do it!

The Sun’s Rays Don’t Burn Until Magnified And Brought To Focus

BUT you won’t if you keep changing what you pay attention to. If you can’t concentrate on something for a solid duration of time, you won’t stick with the pursuit and creation of your goals. People need, more than ever, to train their minds to stay put on their dream.

People want it fast and easy. They want it yesterday. The days of apprenticeship and mastery seem long gone, except for the few who know the value. Most of the promises made to us are for faster, better, easier, instant, take a pill and it will all be resolved. It won’t!

It get’s worse not better. Learn to focus on what you want. Understand, you need to stay with it, just as planting a seed takes time to flower, so do your abilities require time to mature. Seek mastery and you will continue on the path. You’ll make it happen.

Focus On One Thing At A Time – Let All Else Fall Away

Stop being flighty. Start being committed. Be passionate and steadfast. It doesn’t come to you. YOU make it happen. Stick with the principles and practices daily and you will prevail. Master the habits that support you. Master concentration. Master gratitude. Master persistence. Then you can be, do and have anything you want, within reason. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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