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“People who are carving up the world and the lives of others aren’t operating from the highest intentions, the most positive frames of mind. They aren’t thinking, ‘what is good for the goose IS ALSO good for the gander.’ So let’s spread it around so everyone does better.

IT IS precisely the mindset that IS the issue. It is how we think and what we think that makes all the difference. Do any of us think we would be facing many of the problems we do if everyone embraced the idea of  ‘do unto others as you would have others do unto you’?

Would we have any of these issues if we all adopted the love your brother, turn the cheek, forgive and take care of the least of these notions? My guess is we would not. If we all had a better positive mind set and philosophy might not we all be better off?

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Would we have violated the planet and each other if we loved and cared for the planet and each other? I think not. Our actions and how well we get along with others stem first and foremost from the thoughts and feelings we harbor. Change thoughts and we change.

The more positive and optimistic we are, the more upbeat and high vibe we are the more likely we uplift and assist others. The more people who think and act this way means the better off we make our world because we realize we are all in it together. Get it?

We benefit ourselves when we benefit others. What we put out comes back around. Instead of being so selfish we work so that all do better. This is how we take care of ourselves and our planet. We do it through cooperative, harmonious teamwork. Together we can travel further than doing it along. Get it? More to come. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen. Available at Amazon in book or kindle. Get it today! Here’s the link:


“Rex Sikes has taken many of life’s most relevant topics for success, and expressed them in a way that each of us are able to relate, value and apply to our lives. It’s easy to journey through life and get into routines that leave us passing time with no improvement or excellence to celebrate. Rex offers practical methods, built on the basic platform of human psychology and inner development for anyone to comprehend. Overcoming personal barriers and navigating our way around life’s roadblocks, is what determines our quality of life. You will find the juicy nuggets expressed in this book, to help you do just that. Now sit back, and turn the pages as you begin a little journey of personal discovery!” – Scott Fardulis, Network Marketing Professional


Meet Scott. A great guy. He’s  another amazing influencer, entrepreneur and network marketer. He helps people create a good life, health and more wealth by becoming passionate about life and what they can accomplish. He lives in Colorado. Scott’s a powerful positive force. Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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