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horizons 6

“Have you ever noticed that some people just seem successful. They are confident and things go right for them. It seems things come naturally and easily for them. They just ‘got it’! What they actually have is a winner’s attitude. They believe they ARE successful.

Another fantastic practice I have suggested is to keep a Success Diary. Record your daily wins. Write them down. Take inventory. Record and reward yourself for each win. Remember them. Wins   can be anything, small or large. You count wins you decide to do.

It is based on intentions. You set an intention to do something for the day. When you complete it you count it as a win. For example, you decide make your bed. Once you make it notate it. You decide to clean your office or the kitchen and you do. That is a win! Congrats!

Winners Don’t Do Different Things But They Do Things Differently

Whatever you intend to do and follow through on is a win. Pat yourself on the back for the follow through and note it. Most people don’t value the things they do that they say they will. They don’t make anything about it special. Yes, you want to. Celebrate!

Build a history of winning. Keep track of the successes you have each day. Intend to do 3, then 5, then 10 or more. Add to it gradually. It is a great way to increase you success ratio and feel good at the same time. Success breeds success. Success breeds success attitude!

If you can be successful in this you can be successful in other important areas too. Build successful completion as a habit that supports you. The more you succeed the more competent you become. Competence breeds confidence.

Losers Say They’ll It Do But Don’t Winners Do It Without Saying

Then success breeds more success. It is cyclic! Keep feeling good about being successful and keep writing it in your daily journal. You can later add larger tasks. You can have weekly or monthly goals too. It is all good. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Make each moment magnificent today!

*** We are planning some new things! Soon  A Teleseminar with Rex  What are your questions, what do you want to know, what would you like help with? Use the comment section to let me know. I’ll let you know when, meanwhile, please let me know what you’d like. ***

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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