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“I think too many of us try to help but end up doing more harm by conjecturing about what to do during this time. I don’t have a solution for this but it is the spreading of opinions that may be as dangerous as a virus.

Things change. So perhaps our economy is meant to get knocked down. Money isn’t everything. It is a decided upon means of exchange. We can find other ways to exchange it we must. Perhaps, in the long run it would be wiser, safer and even better if we do.

And from the economy knock down we build something new and even better. Perhaps. It is a hardship to stay in and self-isolate but people survive hardships all the time. We may emerge far better from the challenge than we think as we go through it.

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Correct

I’d prefer to make sure people don’t infect each other or themselves. I prefer we don’t talk about it being okay to sacrifice someone’s mom or pop to save the economy. When troubles happen, natural disasters and human made ones, people rise up and help each other.

It seems many worry about the wrong things. I prefer people’s health and well-being over dollars. If the economy collapses we can return to bartering. I’d rather be poor than lose family and friends, even strangers, to save  money. Especially when there are poor.

There is such an imbalance. People struggle to make ends meet. Maybe we need a leveling and a fresh start. Maybe we don’t. But if it happens we can do better. We always do. Invention and benefits come from troubling times. Innovation comes from challenges.

Skill Comes Of Doing – We Become Capable Through Repetition

Again, my opinion is just another one in the mix which might be better left unexpressed. There are times to be quiet and reflective while we wait to discover our best course of action. Perhaps, the best course is still to be appreciative for what we have and what we can do to help each other. We can find good in everything and everywhere. Opportunity exists in adversity. We can practice feeling and expressing gratitude. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

You don’t have to do this alone. I am here to help you. Join me.

PS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing soon. I will keep you posted when you can get it!


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Infographic ©2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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