“It is easy to remember this. The principles for change are, do the right things correctly, repeatedly, consistently, for long enough and you will get positive and powerful results. This is the process to form habits for success and happiness. Follow the rules and you rewire your brain to create new neural pathways that serve you. Why? Because this is how the natural process works.

It’s what you’ve done all along to form habits. If that means biting your nails and creating horrible self-talk or practicing self-love and self-care. You learn new habits by engaging in them consciously or otherwise. It is how you learned most everything. It’s how you learned your A B Cs, to swim, ride a bike, do a magic trick, drive a car and everything else. Consistent, repeated repetition over time.

As you wire in the positive habits you want you disengage from the old habits and overwrite them to live with new ones. You just stop going to the old habits and go to the new the same way you start going to your new address when you change residence. You don’t forget the old address. You know how to get there but you just no longer go there. Your brain works for you and modifies things.


Your subconscious is your servant. It carries out the messages you provide it all the time. It does this with or without your conscious input. The purpose of this blog and of positive change work is to get you to deliver to it the positive messages you want it to have so it works on your behalf. You must consciously communicate with it what you want. You steer it. It does the work. Just like your car.

Your car gets you there, but you start it, drive it and steer it to where you want to go. It doesn’t judge the destination you choose. It goes where you send it. Your subconscious is the same. You direct it. It will carry out positive or negative messages without judging the messages. Your task is to provide the messages YOU WANT to make your life what you want it to be. You drive it. It carries things out.

You do this through providing yourself with powerful, positive mental imagery and affirmations combined with intense positive feelings. Do this consistently for long enough and the subconscious mind will take over and begin to do it for you. Because your subconscious is a reservoir of all your experiences and abilities it makes new pathways and forms new connections. It wires these in.


As a result, you become alert to new opportunities and advantages you otherwise couldn’t recognize before. You see things you have missed that have always been there. You discover new things. Your attitude, and confidence improve. You learn what to do to get the results you want. Because your outlook changes, everything changes. You begin to see what you couldn’t before.

You begin to live as you’ve wanted. Your life improves because you 100% take charge of everything. You think strong, powerful thoughts repeatedly combined with feeling the very best intense feelings. Take time to celebrate and be filled with excitement and gratitude to wire this in. We become what we think about all day long. Fill your mind with the best and you become it!

Fill your mind with the worst and you will become that too. No judgement. You are the driver deciding where to send your mind. You will remain whatever you already are if you don’t take charge. What you must realize IS, you are always in charge and determining the results you get whether you are aware of it. Your life reflects the thoughts you think. The quality of food determines quality of life.


To excel you must fill yourself with excellence. Focus your mind on being a positive, powerful, ‘I can do anything I put my mind to do’ person and you will become that person. Have fun and enjoy the process because the attitude you live from determines the attitude you live from. Get that! How you use your mind is the deciding factor for what you get and how you feel. It is up to your choices.

Think the best of everything. Find the good in all. Feel the best you can. Stop being distracted by circumstances, and you will find your life changing for the better. It’s the way the process works. It is rule governed and consistent. It doesn’t change. How you wire things in IS how you wire things in. Understand the process and work with it. Most people are haphazard and try to change it. Don’t!

Because you take time and dedicate yourself to positive change, you get it. Because you consistently and persistently follow through you get back more than you put in. You reap what you sow. The harvest returns far more than the number of seeds planted. Your job is to plant the right seeds the right way. The job of your subconscious is to grow those seeds. It always works. Make sure it has good seeds. Celebrate everything ” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC