“When things change suddenly most people get concerned. Many worry, become afraid and panic. They do this because they don’t have a program for the unknown and how things are changing. People only know what they already know and are conditioned to.
When shit hits the fan people run old conditioned programs. They go into default mode. We do this most of the time anyway unless we are actively attempting to learn new habits and ways of being. We will do what we always have done. Understand? We do from habit!
We will get what we always got. We are creatures of habit and our habits either support us or they don’t. Our thought, feeling and behaviors are all habit. We think we think, but mostly we just think the same ole stuff over and over again. Not too much new.
Today You Are Where Your Thought Habits Brought You
Then comes adversity or crisis and we don’t know what to do. We don’t know how to handle it. We think and feel and behave as we learned to habitually and yet, when these terribly tough moments come we have an incredible opportunity and even advantage.
We have a new problem to deal with. We can either deal with them as we always have. Sometimes that can. work. Much of the time it doesn’t. OR we can become aware that we need to update our internal software programs to be healthier, happier and wealthier.
We need to update so we can better negotiate the difficulty and find solutions. So what to do in crisis? First, let go. Realize you may have panic buttons and triggers. Anger and confusion may arise. All manner of less than glorious thoughts and feelings come up.
Tomorrow You Will Be Where Your Thought Habits Take You
WOW, as they come up notice them. Look at them. Attempt to keep distance from them so you don’t get hooked into them and watch. Observe! These are your old conditioned habits, thoughts, feelings and behaviors coming up. AND you CAN let them go! Release them.
They’ve served you in the past. Acknowledge this, but now you’re ready to update. So watch. Observe. Let go. Stay out of it. Release them. You can only do this when you’re aware of them and what they are. Otherwise, you and I don’t know what we don’t know. Get it?
We aren’t aware of what we aren’t aware of. This crisis is providing an opportunity for the old programming to surface. It will anyway, but now, since you have no other new program to work with, you need to awaken to the fact that it is time to transform the old.
You Can’t Escape Your Thought Habits Unless You Change Them
Awareness is the first step. During this time be of good cheer. Train yourself to look for the best. Seek the silver lining. Find the good. Look away from the bad and look toward the good. Train your mind to find opportunity, advantage, and blessing in all of it. You can.
It will seem foreign and it may not be easy at first. BUT it is simple and gets easier the more you do it. Realize you can condition yourself to find good things, be courageous and confident, think and feel good, and continue to do so even during tough, tough times.
If you don’t have the opportunity to change, you won’t. If you can’t see what you need to change, you won’t. Tough times and crisis provide this opportunity. You will find you can get through anything if you will only give yourself the chance. You have a choice.
Crisis Presents Opportunity For Awareness And Waking Up
You can do what you always have and you’ll get what you’ve always got, or you can do something new and get new things. So, why don’t more people? Fear. They’re afraid of the unknown. Are you? No worries, most likely you are, and that’s being human. It’s okay.
We don’t like change. Our brains crave novelty but resist leaving our comfort zone even if our comfort zone is incredibly painful. People remain hurting for years because it is familiar and they know what to do. They don’t know how to feel different, so they don’t. Get it?
People do what people have always done. Brains work to keep us consistent. BUT if you re-train or recondition your brain to be more positive, powerful, confident, worry-free, happy and healthy it will do that same thing to keep you consistently this new way. Get it??
Use What Is Going On To Transform Yourself – It’s A Gift For You
Right now during these tough times we all have the opportunity to face our fears, face the unknown and transform ourselves into happier, healthier, wealthier people. Most won’t. They will do what they have and complain about it. Will you be different? Will you??
Will you take this time to make changes, update your human inner software, and learn to transform yourself wonderfully? You can, if you decide you will. Put your brain to work for you instead of against you. Become more of the person you always wanted to be!
During crisis is when we discover resources. We discover those people who respond, help, and pave the way for others. While some crumble others find strength and resilience they might not even realize they have. They rise to the occasion. Will you?
Either You Will Or You Won’t – You Decide – It Is Alway Up To You
You can be a leader and lead yourself to new heights of well-being, joy, and success. You can rid yourself of old ways that haven’t served you as well as they could. Realize, you’ve done as good as you could have all along. Don’t get down on yourself or be judgmental.
Recognize this opportunity. Train yourself to be the person you want to be. Use what is happening now to go beyond what you have known and have done. Take yourself to new heights. Find the silver, the gold and the diamonds that exist now.
Start living a new, more wonderful reality! Let go of the old to make room for the new. You cannot fill a cup that’s already full! Empty your cup so the new can be poured in. Are you ready? Take hold of this marvelous opportunity we have to transform. Be fearless and be of good cheer. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
You don’t have to do this alone. I am here to help you. Join me.
PS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing soon. I will keep you posted when you can get it!
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
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“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
Join me in Mind Design™! Act today.
Infographic ©2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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