“During this shelter at home, or the reopening confusion, or at any time in your experience, overwhelm, panic, confusion and anxiety may be something you face and must deal with. The good news is you can successfully alleviate all of these. Yes, absolutely!
If you’re feeling any of these I direct you to my previous blog posts for handling and overcoming these stress-producing feelings. This is tip four and kind of combines some of the other elements into it. It is useful and powerful. A good idea is to practice when you are okay.
Rehearse these tips as you would practice swimming or rehearse a play. Choose an experience that provokes mild ill-at-ease feelings to practice. Really pick something MILD to begin with. Once you get good at doing this you can work your way slowly up.
You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You – Attention Directs Energy
This way you succeed all along the way. Begin with baby steps. Find an experience from your past that is mild but that when you think of it you feel some tension growing, some stress, overwhelm or anxiety. As you first begin to notice the feelings come on MOVE! Breathe.
Interrupt the energy! Walk around. Sing, hum, skip, dance, laugh, shout, do jumping jacks, anything that interrupts the energy flow. Once you are completely free and feeling fine sit a moment and feel how good you feel having done this! Pat yourself on the back.
After a few moments, repeat. Start with the same experience. If you try to do it again and discover you aren’t able to get back the feelings of woe that’s great! Pick another mild experience and repeat the process. Feel the old anxious and eliminate it again in this fashion.
The More We Do The More We Become Capable Of Doing
Do three or four experiences in a session. Then give yourself a small gift for doing a great job. Do another session at another time. You can discover you easily begin to resolve things that were troubling for you in the past, but now you are free of them. Enjoy this!
When ready, slowly graduate to experiences that might have been a bit more troublesome back when, and resolve these too. Repeat the process again. Do three or four examples and then reward yourself. Break and come back another day. Keep up the good work!
You can also change the memory in your mind by altering how you see the mental images. You can make the images or movies in your head smaller, further away, drain the color from them, turn down the sounds or voices. You can hum, sing or listen to a chorus of cheers.
What You Focus On Expands – Direct Your Focus To The Positive
You can think the opposite thoughts. Alter your internal pictures and sounds any way you can think of. You adjust these on your TV set! Make it brighter or dimmer for example. Louder or quieter. Discover which changes make the most positive difference.
Lastly, breathe deeply. Take some deep breathes. Walk about. You can also sniff an essential scent such as peppermint, lemon, lavender or something that calms and soothes you. The point is alter the experience. Catch it early, interrupt it. Change or alter its elements.
Doing these are known to bring great relief. Our experiences are made of memories we have stored inside, the associations. If you alter the components that make up the memory you change the experience. Like adding silly music to a dramatic movie alters it.
Think Better – Feel Better – Live Better – Change Your Thoughts
Learn to gently play around. Get some distance from your past experiences, and free yourself up. Imagine you could make the memories go faster or slower the way you can speed up a video or slow it down. The sounds changes, too. Change what you do inside!
You get different results. Catch it early and divert the energy into different pathways than the old ones that gave you difficulty. Learn to do things a new way and feel different now. Practice this and you can get good at it. You’ll find yourself delighted at how easy it can be.
If you need it, you’ll know what to do because you rehearsed. You don’t have to suffer when you can change it for the better. Take your time. Be thorough and enjoy learning to transform positively. Reinforce your learning with small gifts and pats on the back. Recite and chant positive affirmations and validate your ability to changes. You can do this. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes
“Rex Sikes’ book Life On Your Terms is brilliant! It offers cutting-edge tools that take you to another level. It’s a practical manual with a fresh take on personal growth and transformation that’s infused with love, wisdom, and some truly innovative ideas. I am reading it daily and it’s changing my life. Not only do I feel a shift in consciousness but I have been waking up happier. This book offers hope to anyone who has lost their way in life.“ – Lydia Cornell, Actor ‘Too Close For Comfort.
Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now if you like. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Celebrate!
“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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