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“Many are worried about propaganda and mind-control? Perhaps, rightly so. Certainly, we are bombarded with messages in news, media, politics, religion, advertising, branding, our music, movies, TV shows, social media, billboards, radio and our culture at large.

We can’t escape being subjected to these messages whether or not it is a vast conspiracy to control the populace. Like gamma waves and microwaves we live in a world surrounded by electromagnetic and messages designed to create a particular mind-set.

Our food is questionable. Not the same food it was 150 years ago. Our soil is different. Ingredients and honest labeling is a big issue. Our food and water supply are filled with dangerous chemicals, pesticides, prescription medications, antibiotics and more.

You Mind Is As Strong As Its Weakest Think

Our air filled with poisons. We are changing as a species. Cancers and mental-health-care issues rampant. Big pharmaceutical is seeing to it that people are way over-medicated, and “panels of doctors”  diagnose more normal human behaviors as a disease or a disorder.

We are being programed to be victims and wage slaves. We are taught to toe-the-line and not make waves. The recent pandemic has spotlighted many of the issues facing people world-wide. We have broken systems that some wish to perpetuate rather than change.

So whether mind-control is being done by an evil few or by many who tacitly agree on a philosophy of rich versus poor, us against them, the masses are asses, or whatever mind-control is a problem but there is an even greater problem that allows control to flourish.

If Your Don’t Serve Your Dream – You Will Serve Other’s Dreams

The larger problem is the number of people who do nothing about directing their minds and who do nothing but live by default. They have a victim mentality. If you don’t run your own brain someone else will run yours for you. We see this happen every single day.

People willing to tell you what to think and how to feel and what to do. Some go so far as to say you can’t trust your own eyes and ears. Some say listen to me not them. The more loudly repeated the nefarious message is the more it is memorable and sticks. It works.

This is the reason mind-control is possible and effective. People aren’t running their own brains. They aren’t doing the legwork necessary to live free from nefarious influence. By doing nothing they ARE susceptible to the influences around them.

If You Aren’t In Charge Of Your Thinking Others Will Take Charge

If influences are positive and healthy and good for the individual it might not be an issue. When the messages drain you of energy, will-power, your individuality and determine how you think, feel and live then it is a terrible issue. If you do nothing, others will do it for you.

It’s as if you are a passenger in a car with no say about where you go or how you get there. You are just going along for the ride. You have no power, no say, no authority. I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU but when I discovered this I made the decision to control my thinking.

It is time for people to learn how to run their brains. You have to take charge and design your mind and design your life. You can’t leave it on default. You have to act. You have to decide what you want and how you want to live.

You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You – Choose Thoughts Wisely

Do you want to be in charge of your destiny or do you want others to decide it for you? THIS IS THE DECISION you need to make now. Change what you are thinking and doing and you have the opportunity to transform yourself and your life. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes



“Rex Sikes’ book Life On Your Terms is brilliant! It offers cutting-edge tools that take you to another level. It’s a practical manual with a fresh take on personal growth and transformation that’s infused with love, wisdom, and some truly innovative ideas. I am reading it daily and it’s changing my life. Not only do I feel a shift in consciousness but I have been waking up happier. This book offers hope to anyone who has lost their way in life.“ – Lydia Cornell, Actor ‘Too Close For Comfort.

Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices.  Check it out now if you like. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Celebrate!

“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D


©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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