“Some millionaires and billionaires lead extraordinary lives. Some have incredible lives and are generous and incredibly good, giving, caring people. Some may not be but there are those who are both rich and live wonderful, loving, peaceful, compassionate, giving lives.
Others struggle to make ends meet. They work long and hard trying to get out of debt and hopefully have enough to retire, get buried and leave something for family. Some never get this far. It’s truly unfortunate that good, caring, people suffer much hardship.
Whether rich or poor all were born to this planet to have the best life possible. The planet is abundant. The universe is abundant but some people have amassed control and allocation of resources to keep the world divided into the haves and have-nots.
Change Your Thoughts And You Can Transform Your Life
They’ve done whatever they could since ancient times to convince you that you aren’t worth it. You don’t deserve it. You aren’t smart enough, or good enough. You were born to the wrong parents or the wrong color, gender, religion or nationality. They hold people down.
You were born to this world to enjoy all the good things the world has to offer. You were born to create and attract your best life ever. You are far more than you might realize because they’ve tried to hypnotize and condition you to think you are less than you are.
Why? Because if you realize your authentic and abundant self they couldn’t control you. They need worker bees to stay worker bees. They’ve created a great disparity in wealth and access to resources. In reality, there is no disparity except this conditioned one.
Who You Are Determines What You Do and What You Have
It’s an illusion that most people accept as true. Hypnotized to believe it’s true we do little to break free from it. We don’t even know we’ve been held down or held back. We don’t notice our conditioning because they keep us focused on events and people.
We are distracted from our true worth because we’re caught up in religion, politics, current events, bad news, media messages, hate and intolerance. We miss who we are because we think we are controlled by our circumstances, god, or the government. We aren’t.
But we believe we are. Few people look to their inner-self for answers. All answers reside within. There’s a wisdom inside, but we can’t hear the still small voice because we’ve turned the TV up too loud. We’re gods living as puppets, sheep and peons. We live small.
You’re Either Increasing And Thriving Or Contracting And Starving
Some hear there’s a better way. They hope and wish. They try it and abandon it because they hang onto their conditioning. They approach transformation from conditioned lies. Instead of letting go of the lies, they try the new thing filled with doubt or fear.
SO STOP. Let’s pretend NO one is holding you back. There aren’t people manipulating you. There is no one controlling you. EXCEPT you. Instead of thinking and believing you deserve it and are worth it and are more than enough you doubt yourself and have reasons why.
It matters not who imprisons you. Prison whether imposed by others or by yourself is still a prison. You only live as large as the boundaries you believe you have are large. Most people live far too small. Who cares who imprisons you? The result is the same. Stop blaming.
You’re Not Carved In Stone – You Are Energy – You Can Change
Stop excusing. Stop whining. Start noticing you have an opportunity to live much better than you have, even if you never thought you could before this moment. This instant you can choose to do something about it or do nothing about it. The choice is yours.
Do nothing and nothing changes. Change your mindset, your self-image and how you feel about yourself and everything can begin to change. A great place to start is to notice your breathing. Watch your breath come in and go out naturally. Simply observe.
As you do there will be thoughts. They will come and go. Let them come and go. If, after a time, you realize you weren’t paying attention to your breath but were off on a thought tangent, simply bring your attention back to your breath. Continue for 20 minutes.
Click & Explore Change Your Thoughts And Transform Your Life
Eventually, you’ll notice something of great importance. You’ll notice you are the thinker of the thoughts but you are not what your thoughts think about you. You are beyond the thoughts. Just as daylight and darkness are part on one 24 hour cycle, you think.
If the thoughts don’t serve you to live an incredible life you are going to want to replace them with thoughts that better serve you. You’ll change once you quiet the chatter and realize thoughts are what YOU use to create your existence on this planet.
Thinking makes it so. Thoughts become things. What you think about you bring about. It’s time to focus on your authentic self. It’s time to discover you are worthy of the very best and to live large instead of small. I’ll share more later, as I always do.
Make Changes Easily And Swiftly Even If You Haven’t Before
Right now, focus on your breath and becoming aware of the thoughts you use to create your circumstances and who you are. Notice what you notice without judgement or blame. Allow and let go. Watch. Observe. Stay separate. This is not about information.
This is about transformation. You can transform everything. If you want your life to change, you must change some things. You can’t keep doing the ‘same old same old’ and get different results. Get this. Begin watching your breath and notice. Practice awareness.
Experience is the teacher and transformer not reading about it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Enough for today. Become aware that you are awesome and wonderful and incredible and resourceful. You don’t need to add more. You’re enough. I hope you discover this.
It’s Not What You Know That You Don’t Do – It’s What You Do
Let go of the lies that have kept you living small. I’m happy to help show you how so you can really get this deep inside you. You are a powerful creator. If you don’t like what you’ve been creating you can begin to create all the good you deserve. You truly can.
The question is, will you? If you are ready to dive in I recommend the course in the links above. It is powerful, positive and it will absolutely deliver on helping you transform at the core of your being. If you aren’t sure yet, I recommend you first get my book. It will help get you moving and keep you moving forward. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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