“There’s only energy. Everything is energy at different rates of vibration. It’s an important understanding. We use our senses to define our world and our experience but our senses are limited. Our senses can be and are deceived. Consider color blindness. The colors are there but not perceived by the person. Their reality is what it is AND they don’t know what they miss.
We think the outer world is the real world. We believe IF we see it then it must be real. We are mistaken to think so. Everything is energy! Energy is either at a very high frequency which we are unable to perceive or a lower frequency. At lower frequencies, we can notice the vibratory effects on our eyes, ears, body, nose and mouth. Everything is energy.
It’s all the same energy in various forms. Everything is in a constant state of vibration. Light, sound, heat, thought, everything! There are positive and negative charges. Positive and negative thoughts. Positive and negative feelings. These are simply whatever they are but we humans label them as positive or negative OR good and bad. Things simply are. We label, compare and judge them.
Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!
We determine what’s wanted and unwanted by how we feel. We either feel positive and good or negative and not-so-good. That’s it. This ability to recognize differences and become aware IS our guidance system. Our ability to notice when off track is an opportunity to adjust. Awareness is marvelous because if we don’t know, we don’t know. Similar to the color blind person.
We can use this guidance system to be truly happy. When it comes to our life and manifesting or creating or attracting what we want, this is useful to know, understand, appreciate and utilize. We are either vibrating at a high frequency or a low frequency or anywhere in between. We are either mostly positively charged or mostly negatively charged. We want to be mostly positively charged.
We are either feeling good or not-so-good. When we notice we are not feeling so good, we can make adjustments. When we notice we are off target we can course correct. While one can argue it is all a matter of degree it is useful to think that we are either ON or we are OFF. We are either on base or off base. On task or off task. On course or off course. This makes it very simple to use.
Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!
We easily can tell whether we’re feeling good or not good. We get signals. This is the signal. Whenever we’re feeling ‘off’ or less-than-glorious THAT FEELING IS the signal to notice so we can adjust. Get it. The feeling informs you, ‘hey you need to be more positive to feel better again. Add optimism, positivity, gratitude, self-acceptance, self-love, talk to yourself lovingly… get it?
Then there’s FLOW. Everything is flowing, moving, expanding. It just is. Our universe is expanding as I write these words. Everything is flowing along. We are either flowing with it or against it. Just like a river, we either go with the current, the path of least resistance, or we paddle against the current. Our choice. Everything is our choice. It’s very simple to understand.
We’re either flowing or we aren’t. Either we’re in the zone, moving with creation and how things are going or we’re not. We’re either surrendering to what is or we’re not. On or Off. Flowing or Resisting. Positive or Negative. Get it? The signals are there to notice and change. NOT to defend ourselves and what we’re doing! It’s there to adjust, not to perpetuate what’s going on.
Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!
It’s a SIGNAL! Use it. Use the signal to transform your thinking and yourself. Know this. It’s a SIGNAL! If you defend yourself or your activity YOU completely miss the opportunity to transform. Similar to receiving valuable feedback. If someone cares enough to point out something that isn’t serving you, be smart enough to shut up, listen, be grateful and incorporate the feedback.
Don’t defend yourself. To defend means you miss an opportunity. Depending, explaining or providing a reason is what children do. It’s a habit. STOP! Get this! DO something different. An opportunity to remain silent and transform has shown up. Don’t miss it. Don’t become a little kid again and try to explain. Yes, you want to. That’s the habit. Instead. SHUT UP and transform. Accept. Allow. Grow.
When we surrender and go with the flow it’s easy and effortless. When we move with the current we move swiftly along. When we resist and try to paddle upstream it’s difficult and a struggle. When we make an effort against what is going on, we fight. We create conflict. We create struggle. You can tell whether you’re in or out of flow. Get this! The signal is clear. Pay attention to the signal
Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!
LEARN! Really learn to pay attention to the signal. Your energy! How you’re feeling shows you what you’re thinking. Put your attention on the thoughts producing the feelings and change them to be the ones you want to have instead. If you want to feel different, change your thinking. If you don’t change your thinking you miss the opportunity to transform. You must understand this.
If you don’t change your self-talk, your physiology, your attention, you perpetuate the stinking thinking and feeling. You miss the opportunity. You’re either positive energy or you’re not. If you’re not going with the flow and feeling positive you feel negative or less than glorious. It IS that simple! Either something is moving up or it is moving down. It’s either on or off.
It either feels good or it doesn’t. You’re either accepting and flowing or you aren’t. It is not complicated. Understand this. Appreciate it. USE IT to transform. Change your thoughts and you transform your life. If you don’t do it or don’t know how, you miss the opportunity to transform and you remain the same. Get it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.” William James
“I’ll be blunt: I’m very disappointed that these secrets are available. I think buying this material should be treated like buying hand guns: You should have to fill out forms and get checked out first to see if you’ll use this wisdom for good or evil. I’ve NEVER seen such powerful techniques or insights. The average psychologist, cold reader, magician, or mentalist doesn’t know these “beyond secret” methods. You could start a cult with this! Far too powerful to be released publicly. Please take your Ultimate NLP Home Study Program package off the market—especially now that I own it.” –Joe Vitale – Author, 2000
“I am smiling and my heart is beating a little bit faster now, Rex. We go all the way back to the last century and me finding my way in many ways at that point. You helped me during that point because I learned NLP, and some of the communication material came from you. I was sitting at your feet and learning how to apply it in my life and career.
Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!
You sent me cassettes Rex way back in the 1990s, and these were cassettes on communication and NLP. And we had exchanged some things and we had talked and you were very kind to me and very generous with me. I religiously listened to everything I am always studying, always growing, always working on myself and maybe even more intensely back then. Thank you Rex!Joe Vitale -Author, appeared in ‘The Secret’, 2022
Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!
“I give this course a massive thumbs up! And to put it into perspective I was already an NLP trainer when I came across this course some years back and I was blown away by the content in it and the way it is taught. Rex really knows his stuff and the content is amazing. But it! I mean every word.” Barry Neale – NLP trainer 2021
“My personal development journey took a turn for the better back in 1996 when I was fortunate enough to be trained and mentored by Rex Steven Sikes. It’s been my ongoing wish that Rex would put his personal and professional development insights, his unique accelerated learning techniques, and basic to advanced mindset strategies (what he’s rightfully termed Mind Design™) into a book. He’s finally done it and he’s held nothing back. Rex equips you with everything you need to live a more empowered life… He was the first person to really challenge me with the idea that to change my life, I had to change myself first. His concept of 100% Self-responsibility has served me so much in my life, it’s now the cornerstone of all my training and coaching as well. He states, “When you accept full responsibility for everything going on, you begin to access your inner strengths and power. When you accept responsibility your mind begins to look for solutions because you are responsible.” Bottom line: I’m a better coach, trainer, entrepreneur, husband, and parent because of Rex.”Joe Soto – International Marketing Coach
“I am beyond happy to call Rex Sikes my mentor and friend. (Yesterday he was was kind enough to be my Valentine’s too lol) seriously though. I’m so happy to have invested into his NLP home study course. Which he has taught many successful people in the past 40 years. Here’s a testimony from Joe Vitale from the movie the secret. If anyone is interested in joining the course. Please feel free to reach out to me.” Lynn Serrano – TV host, 2022
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©2022 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2022 Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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