“A reason the USA is in so much trouble is that we are no longer UNITED states… we are no longer united (if we ever were) to serve the people honestly and loyally, to make life better for all the people (not just the rich white landowners or the current equivalent).
We are no longer, if ever, united in vision and a positive direction for the people and the country but have given over to profiteering in politics, predatory capitalism and oligarchy ownership of the country. We are divided and hateful and hurtful.
Politicians don’t come together to do what is best for the people but hate each other and put party over the people. It is played as zero-sum. Win at all costs. The people suffer as a result of party politics. The politicians, the oligarchy, the corporations, the media profit and prosper whether the country rises or falls.
There is no accountability for the politicians. No responsibility. Their hate, lies, obstruction, harm, and party politics is not cause for removal or punishment. That none are yet held accountable for Jan 6 demonstrates this. Where there is no responsibility and no accountability the people suffer.
Where there is no loyalty, no integrity nor honesty the people suffer. Where there is hate the people suffer. Where there is party over people, the people suffer. When they draw lines in the sand, hate, lie, cheat, steal, blame, whine and accuse but do not come together to make things better for all people – the people suffer.
The people are not happy. The people are deceived. The people are losing their jobs, homes, and lifestyle not because of a single politician but because of the disintegration of harmony, and the inability for politicians to work together to make something better for all.
Money goes to the top and the rest of the people suffer. Trickledown never worked but nothing has replaced the harm yet. Politicians argue for the sake of arguing. We need a new batch of better people to SERVE – after all, they are servants of the public NOT leaders. They are representatives.
They elevate themselves, their titles, their salary, their perks and pensions and win whether they serve or don’t serve. The people are not happy. They are becoming hateful too because they believed in lies and are disappointed.
They believe new lies because we are constantly lied to. Often they side with the loudest voice or shiniest object, the cult of personality and familiarity, rather than the best person for the job wins. Go figure. We elect the worst of the worst because better people aren’t our choices.
It is a job by the way. In most companies, if people did what politicians do every day they’d be removed quickly. Media prospers whether the country or persons do well or not. The media wins either way. As do politicians who hold on to their office.
They aren’t doing their jobs. They pontificate but can’t be bothered to read or even know what is in the bills they vote for or vote against.
We need a one bill one vote rule. No more writing bills with more than one item. F’em. Let them work for their salaries. Make them. read a bill not get cliff notes from underlings. We need reform that is obvious.
We need people, united in harmony, to do the will of the people, for the people by the people, to help uplift everyone and help everyone have a better standard of living.
What’s going on currently is madness based in fear and hate. People roaming the streets armed – why? Because they are afraid. They feel the need to be armed. That is already pretty sad. Why are they afraid? Because they fear the system is against them.
Because people are protesting. Why are people protesting because they fear the system is against them. They too are unhappy and afraid. Fear is driving people to do things they otherwise might not.
People are unhappy and don’t feel their politicians and programs help them. They feel over-taxed, fearful and that they are without adequate and proper representation. They distrust the politicians who call others names and threaten them in our ivory palaces.
They are not wrong to feel this way. Those who call themselves don’t lead and cannot lead. They’re corrupted. They obstruct for their party to win. They stonewall. They don’t debate or negotiate. They hate. The have utter disregard for process and decency.
Then they come together in a polite show and vote their party and leave hating each other. The example they set for the people and our children is dire. If this is our best we are in deep trouble. PLUS, we are paying a huge price for these people not doing their jobs. As long as we allow it, it will only get worse.
We did this to ourselves by allowing hate and division and greed and lies to rule the day. It’s time to start building a better country for all.
If a building needs repair, repair it. If it is so devastated it needs to be demolished then demolish it. BUT as a wise person said once, we won’t improve out situation by tearing down the old but by building something better.
Let’s withdraw our energy from hate and seek peace. Let’s withdraw energy from division and unite in harmony. Let’s seek to build better because we have a united vision for all instead of what we currently focus on and do. We can be better. We can do better. We can have better BUT only if we all work together.
Let’s make it a mission to end the madness by focusing on the good we can create and then actually working together to create that good for ourselves right now and for our children and their children. Let’s leave this country better off than we found it.
Goodness knows we’ve broken it enough and done plenty of harm. Let’s stop the insanity and the fighting and hating and work together.
If we tolerate madness we get madness. If we tolerate hate we get hate. We need to hold representatives accountable for whether or not they represent AND how they represent. Enough already. This division and standoff is not what you are hired to do.
When we let things pass, if we don’t quickly point out what is wrong and unacceptable when we notice it we lose. We set a new low and the people live with the consequences while the politicians, corporations and media prospers.
AND if you can’t work together for a better country and life for all its people then you should not hold public office. You work for all the people not only your constituents. Stop claiming you represent the interests and rights of the people if you can’t actually serve the people. REMEMBER you are supposed to serve.
Can we begin to play nice for a change? Give all of us a break while you take a time out, gather your marbles and figure out how to play the game so everyone can enjoy and benefit. You have tired us out. Let’s do something better than what we’ve been doing for decades. Okay?
It’s not the time for slogans. It’s not the time for division and name-calling and death threats it is time to serve a larger purpose than your personal, egotistical and financial interests. Get it? stop serving yourself and taking the biggest slice while leaving crumbs for others.
Start working together or let’s find people who can. Fire these bastards and get some decent people to represent us. Seek to make things better. Focus on building the new better. Let’s not fight the old. Let’s focus on where we want to go and get there together.
Let’s make the journey pleasant for everyone. Let’s float the boat and everyone in it. We can do it. We can if we decide we can. That is the first step. Then we must follow through and address and correct along the way.
Weed the garden and nurture the plants we want to grow. Get it? Weeding is necessary but it isn’t all that is necessary. We need to promote positive growth. Let’s do it! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
We resume normal broadcasting tomorrow
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